goodbye shizu

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sorry for taking so long

A day passed as shizu woke up she saw Chloe sitting beside her

Shizu: Chloe?

Chloe: Good morning Master Shizu.

Shizu: Did I...

Chloe: No one was hurt too bad

Shizu: Chloe!

Chloe: yes master?

shizu: who or what have you ever since we met Rimuru it's like you 2 were old friends but not only that I'm starting to think how we met wasn't a coincidence you know everything that's going to happen.

Chloe: well it's half true at least well I am human and my birth name is Chloe Aubert and this isn't the first time we met in this timeline but the truth is I'm from the future I met rimuru over and over and every and every time I have to watch him die.

shizu: How many times have you seen him die, Chloe?

Chloe: About 998 times, and I'm technically 2,569 years old, well chronological, at least, but biologically, I'm no more than 16.

shizu: You've been doing this for so long, and what do you mean that this isn't the first time we met?

Chloe: You see, when I got to this timeline, it caused me to split into 2 other separate beings 1 being the chosen hero chronoa and your student Chloe O'bell. Well, it was mostly my trauma that caused it.

Shizu: You love that much.

Chloe: Yes, he is the one I love. There has been no one who made my heart sing this much.

Shizu: *giggles* You're like a love-sick puppy it's so cute.

Chloe: *blushes and flail her arms* Please don't tease me, master!

Rimuru: *outside* Chloe is Shizu awake if not sorry for disturbing you.

Shizu: I'm awake, Mr. Slime!

Rimuru: may I come in?

Shizu: Yes, please come in.

rimuru hops in

rimuru: How are you- "See's Chloe* oh I didn't know you were here, Chloe.

Chloe: I was leaving talk to you later, rimuru *walks out of the hut* (Goodbye Shizue Izawa)

Rimuru: Hey Shizu, how are you doing?

shizu: To be honest, not well.

Rimuru: *worried* (Great sage, please give me analysis on Shizu)

Great Sage: (her fusion with ifrit seems to have been the reason for her extended life)

Rimuru: *holding his imaginary tears cause he doesn't have eyes* (she's going to die because of me)

ceil: Master her spirit was extremely tired. Ifrit had not been purged from her, and she would have most likely lost her sense of self. It is suspected that this is not Shizue Izawa's desire.

Rimuru: (I see)

Shizu: I'm guessing you figured out I'm not long for this world.

Rimuru: Yes, I figured it out. Does Chloe know?

shizu: Yeah, she knows.

rimuru: .....

Shizu: Hey... I know this might be selfish, but... may I ask a favor? As my dying wish

Rimuru: ... Sure. If it helps you to rest easy.

Shizu: Alright... I have 5 students who are also other worlders... they are all kids below age 12... I wanted to see them grow up one day, but... now that I'm going to die, I'm afraid that's not possible anymore... no... even if I don't die, I'm not going to be able to see them grow up.

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