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If you comment on this chapter you will get a dedication! Mostly because I need some type of motivation from someone to continue this story! Well read on!
:::::::::::::::Andys POV:::::::::::
I sat on the couch with Raven on my lap an the rest of the band around us. It's only been a week and everyone adores her. I started zoning out in my thoughts of who her mother could have been when Raven started crawling all over CC. I chuckled, I swear those two are basically inseparable now. I shook my head and looked up,"Hey Raven can I talk to you for a minute?." She nodded and reached her arms up at me. I picked her up and walked to the back and set her down in my bunk. I grabbed a pen and notepad. "Now Raven can you tell me what your Mommie looked like please?" She nodded and looked down,"Mommie had long black hair like me. And she had blue eyes like ours! She was really sweet but she never told me who my daddy was. If I asked who he was she would say that daddy went somewhere on the road for a long time. I don't know who he is. And Mommie was also really tall but not like really tall like you." I drew out a picture the way I could of her an realized it looked exactly like this girl I used to date, her name was Elizabeth. I ran to the front an grabbed a picture of her and I then ran to the back, back to Raven. I handed the picture and drawing to her and said," Is this your mommie Raven?" She started smiling and grabbed the picture then talked in a tiny voice which sounded like she was going to cry. She hugged the picture and said," I miss you mommie." That broke my heart. Someone so loving and sweet natured lost her mom and then was forced on her hand to run away from her adopted mother. I sighed and hugged her and she looked up at me,"Can I go see uncle cc and the others now daddy?." I froze from rocking back and forth. Yeah she's family to all of us but she just called me her father...her daddy.. I smiled to myself but gulped. I wonder if I could actually be her father. For crying out loud she's a goddamn spitting image of me. The hair, the eyes. Everything! "Yeah girly. Let's go." I set her down and she ran off in a fit of giggles. I followed her into the living room area an watched her jump onto cc.
:::::::::::::Ravens POV::::::::::::
I ran once daddy put me down then started giggling like crazy and ran into the living room area type thing and yelled while giggling,"Cc!" Once I jumped on him he laughed and so did the other guys." Hey kiddo!" He said scruffing my hair. I giggled and played with his hair but I saw something shiny and star shaped on Ashley(his star necklace) I went 'Ooooh' and I crawl/bounced over daddy then over uncle Jake and uncle Jinxx then sat in Ashley's lap playing with his star necklace an saying 'shiny' a lot. Apparently I was amusing everyone because they were laughing at me. I looked at daddy as he stood up and went to get a water bottles. He drank Alittle then set it down. I reached up to him signaling him to pick me up. Everyone either laughed or awed. Once daddy picked me up, I wrapped my arms around his neck and layed my head on his shoulder/neck. All the guys took a picture of me and daddy. He said something but I was dozing off in his arms. I think I heard this from daddy. "Hey guys we should find out with a bloodtest if I'm actually her father. I hope I am because I love her to death. I have from the minute I saw her alone in Hot Topic. If I am then we release it on stage at a venue then the news will spread by the fans."
Everyone nodded then went to their bunks and went to sleep. Daddy walks to his bunk and I was curled up in his arms on his chest/stomach (if that makes sense.) I heard him say,"I love you baby girl" then he kissed the top of my head. I mumbled but it was muffled by his cover an chest," I wove you to daddy." Then I drifted off into a blissful dream-filled sleep.
Another completed chapter! I hope people are actually reading this story. I feel like nobody gives a flyin' fûçk about this story. Please comment, vote an share. It will be grately appreciated.!!
Bye My Loves,
Phoenix. XxxX

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