xiii. wedding - ky

Start from the beginning

"You can't compare us," I remarked casually, looking up at him. "You had money, I don't. It's different."

Nate's expression softened, a touch of empathy in his eyes as he weighed his response.

"You're right, it is different," he conceded gently.

"But you never know what life has in store for you. Yuna wasn't planned either, you know." Though not entirely surprising, I acted shock.

"Really?" I asked, stealing another glance at Yuna. She was so adorable; all I wanted was to hold her close.

Babies had a way of reminding you to cherish each moment, for they grew up in the blink of an eye.

Nate nodded, his gaze drifting fondly to his daughter, who slept soundly in her stroller.

"Yeah," he confirmed, a hint of nostalgia coloring his voice. "But she's the best thing that ever happened to me."

"She is," I agreed wholeheartedly.

Nate offered me a reassuring smile, his hand finding its way to my shoulder.

"Just take things as they come, and remember to enjoy the ride," he advised, his words carrying the weight of his own experiences.

Surprisingly wise words from Nate, but I took them to heart nonetheless.

"Anyway," I cut in, attempting to steer the conversation away from its seriousness. "Have you guys already picked out a wedding venue?"

I turned to Nate, who had a mischievous grin plastered on his features, his dimples visible, as if he had a very good idea already.

"Well," he began, a hint of pride coloring his tone, "we have, actually," he confessed, his excitement palpable.

Ever since we were kids, he had dreamt of marrying Lydia, his fiancée and the mother of his child. He had been in love with her from the moment he laid eyes on her at his first swim practice, at least he told me that.

Although I figured it might have been for a little longer- perhaps from the moment she moved into our neighborhood.

"Come on," I urged, playfully nudging his shoulder.

Nate took another sip of his energy drink, setting it down on the bench before finally divulging, "Hawaii."

My eyes widened. "Hawaii?" I echoed, astonishment lacing my tone.

"But wait, there's more," he declared proudly. "We're going all out," he continued, his smile evident even in his voice. "And if you happen to have a partner" he glanced at me knowingly, meaning Ava, which sent a jolt of nerves through me, "they're invited too, no matter our relations, because the hotel is kind of romantic- it's really nice."

I couldn't help but chuckle, Ava would go crazy. And even though we were fake, this- this was a offer we couldn't decline. I would not let her.

Hawaii. The mere thought was exhilarating.

Running my fingers through my hair, I looked at Nate. "This is..." I laughed, struggling to find the right words.

"That was my exact reaction," he said, his smile radiant. "I know," he added, reaching over to playfully squeeze my neck from behind before releasing me.

As the excitement of Nate's wedding plans began to fade, a concern crept into my mind like an unwelcome guest-money issues. Hawaii wasn't exactly cheap, and with my current financial situation, the thought of attending this wedding, which seemed by far the opposite of cheap, seemed daunting.

But I pushed the worry aside, reminding myself to live in the moment and deal with the consequences later.

Just as I was about to delve deeper into the wedding plans, a faint stirring from the stroller diverted our attention. Yuna was starting to wake, her tiny hands adorned with soft gloves fluttering as she stirred.

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