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57 days.

the summer fair was today. hallie spent all morning getting ready for it. she had her favorite outfit on- ripped blue jean shorts and her favorite pink tee shirt. her hair was in braids with tinsel.

"ready?" her mom yelled from downstairs. she could hear three out of the four doors open. all of the scobell kids made their way down the stairs. hallie threw her shoes on and left her room.

"i'm coming, i'm coming." she said, quickly flying down the steps. she grabbed her wallet off of the kitchen counter and headed to the car. walker was waiting for her to get in, holding the door open. once she got in, he got in.

"hallie, walker, do not get sick this time. got it?" hallie's mom said. the kids did not respond.

hallie's mom drove all the kids to the fair. once they arrived, leena and tanner disappeared with their lake friends. walker and hallie knew exactly where they had to go.

there was a huge fireball ride calling out to them. they have always had a fireball every year, but this one was the biggest one they've had so far.

(if you don't know what a fireball ride is google it)

"alright. you have two corn dogs, i have two nachos. meet back here in 10?" hallie said. walker nodded and they went their separate ways.

hallie stood in one of the concession lines and walker was at a different one. it took way longer than ten minutes for both of them to get their food. they met back in the same spot in 30 minutes.

"that line was long." walker said. he was holding two corn dogs and a huge cup. "i got a lemonade for us to share- to wash it down, yknow." hallie laughed and traded one of her nachos for a corn dog. they sat down and got to work.



five years ago, hallie and walker had a competition. every year when the fair comes around, they have to eat as much as they can then go on the fireball. the first one to puke loses. they saw it on a movie once and it's been a challenge ever since.

the score right now is 3-2, walker winning.


they scarfed their food down like animals. it was quicker eating the food than waiting in line for it.

hallie slumped back in her seat, groaning and holding her stomach.

"i don't know if i can do this," she mumbled, looking at walker, who was taking his last bite. he looked at her with a proud smile.

"you can forfeit, and it can be 4-2." he suggested. she shook her head and sat up.

"you ready?" she asked. he burped and nodded. they threw their stuff away and made their way to  the fireball. the gave each other nervous looks as they stood in line.

"i'm already not feeling that good." he mumbled, leaning into her. she shook her head and put her hands on his shoulders.

"alright. we gotta man up, we gotta grow some balls."

"but you're a gir-"

"doesn't matter."

they got closer and closer to the front of the line. when they got there, they were let in immediately. they sat down in their seats, giving each other one last look before pulling the bar over them. walker reached over and grabbed her hand. hallie smiled softly and the machine started moving.

"shit- hal- i can't do this-"

after he spoke the rest of the ride was silent. they were both afraid that if they opened their mouths that they would throw up. the ride felt like it went on forever. when it was over, walker and hallie exited very slow. they waddled over to the nearest trash can and waited.

they stood in silence. they stared at each other with a sly smile as they waited for the other to hurl. hallie crossed her arms and waited. walker reciprocated the same motion. they stood there for twenty minutes. then an hour, then two. it wasn't until tanner found them and told them it was time to go. they glared at each other and started walking.

walker's mom was there to pick them up. they all got in the car, having a silent ride home. when they got home, walker and hallie went to the kitchen. hallie sat up on the counter and walker leaned against it.

"do we call a tie?" he asked. hallie thought for a bit. she nodded slowly. walker smiled at her.

"good, because that means i get to.." he skipped away happily and went to throw up in the bathroom. hallie gasped and ran after him.

"no, that's so not fair! i win this one!" she yelled, chasing him to the bathroom. he locked the bathroom door behind him so she couldn't get in.

"we're tied, shitface!" she yelled, skipping off to her room. walker gave her an agitated groan the threw up again.

hallie happily skipped away to her room. half an hour later she heard walker coming up the steps. hallie's door opened and walker stumbled in.

"we're tied." he mumbled, flopping down on her bed. she shook her head and pulled the blanket away.

"no! i won, dipshit!" she yelled. he hummed and turned away from her, snatching the blanket back. hallie sighed and let him have some.

"i'm going to sleep." he said quietly. hallie patted his shoulder and scrolled through tiktok. walker was asleep in the next five minutes.

"dude, shhh." she whispered. he was snoring like a train.

"kiss my ass"



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