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(The morning sun casts a warm glow over the small neighborhood. John, dressed in his robe, yawns and stretches as he steps outside. He saunters over to the mailbox, Root Beer in hand, and flips through the mail.)

John (muttering): Another day, another stack of nothing importante to add to the pile. *This* is why I never check the mail.

(John takes a sip of his Root Beer, eyes narrowing as he examines an envelope.)

John (sarcastically): Who could possibly be inviting me to another "exciting" credit card promotion?

(He tucks the mail under his arm and ambles back towards the house, door creaking shut behind him.)


(Cut to the interior of the house. John strolls into the living room, where Twist, Shannon, and Dido are hanging out. Twist is flipping through a comic, Shannon is doodling on a notepad, and Dido is tuning his guitar.)

John (annoyed): Hey, have any of you been ordering things in my name again?

Twist (cheerfully): "Nope, all my comic subscriptions are on my tab, buddy.

John (raising an eyebrow): Famous last words.

Dido looks up from tuning his guitar, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

Dido (teasingly): Maybe someone's finally declaring getting their licence!

John (blushing): That's ridiculous. Absolutely not! Besides, I'm a perfectly fine driver.

Dido (raising an eyebrow): Really?


(Cut to a small flashback. We see John, determined but clear full of nervousness, sits behind the wheel during a driving test with Dido as the instructor.)

Dido (calmly): When you're ready, start the car and begin the test.

(John's hands shake as he grips the wheel, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. John slowly pushes on the right petal to accelerate, but the car lurches forward fast suddenly, causing Dido to hold onto the car handle, as they drive towards the highway.)

Dido (freaking out) : Slow down, slow down, we're heading straight for the highway ramp instead of turning left at the intersection!

(John panics, as cars come from every direction, screeching in different turns to avoid in a car crash. After arriving at the end of the highway, he hits the brakes, coming to a screeching halt.)

Dido (catching his breath): Wow, that was quite the experience. I think I need to re-evaluate my 'perfectly fine' statement.

John (panting): Yeah. Definitely not d-doing that again. Not in a million years

(They then both check to see the damage caused, and their eyes go small, as al the cars that have swerved out of their way ended up causing a severe car crash. Honking horns, frustrated drivers, and a quarter of traffic found completely blocked)

Dido (blanked out) Oh.


(John looks embarrassed, blushing slightly as he folds his arms and tries looking away from them all.)

John (defensively): Okay, fine, maybe not perfectly fine. But who hasn't. Right?

The gang bursts into laughter, with Dido particularly amused.

Twist (grinning): And here I thought you were

Shannon (agreeing): Oh, how I couldn't agree more with you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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