Adult maknae

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It was common in some groups for new fans to be mistaken about who was the maknae. P-STAR fans were not an exception but even the four older members had to admit; it was easy to forget that Ji-Yeong was the maknae because he acted so mature and grown up. Sometimes even more so than Jae, who was six years older than him. And it was easy sometimes for Lee-Min, Jun and Rayne to neglect their responsibilities to him as his hyungs. 

"Where is Ji-Yeong?" Jae wondered, walking into the dorm. He went straight for the kitchen but then had realized something was missing and went to go find all the members. Rayne and Jun were on the couch together, laughing over something on their phones. Lee-Min was in his room, trying to get some college work done. 

"Isn't he in his room?" Jun looked up, worried. He hadn't seen Ji-Yeong leave.

"No. Were you guys not watching him?" Jae crossed his arms. Jun and Rayne both realized that they were on the verge of a lecture, so they sat up.

"Hyung, he's twenty years old. We don't need to watch him; he should know better than to leave the dorm without telling one of us." Jun pointed out. 

"You're his hyungs! It's your job to watch him" Jae snapped.

"You're our hyung and you don't have to watch us" Rayne argued. Jae shook his head. He had to watch the older two more than he had to for Lee-Min or Ji-Yeong. Before Jae could say anything though, the door opened and the maknae slipped in, stopping in the doorway to the living room when he noticed three out of his four hyungs there. 

"Mind telling me where you've been, young man?" Jae wondered, crossing his arms in front of him and giving Ji-Yeong a stern look.

"I would like to withhold that information for my own sake and also because, as an adult, I owe you no explanation" Ji-Yeong tilted his head up to look at Jae, testing him. It was the one thing that Ji-Yeong hated as the youngest. His family was quite tall but Ji-Yeong had not hit a growth spurt in a few years. Once he did though, he was counting on being taller than Jae.

"As your hyung, I am demanding an explanation. You have three seconds to start talking" Jae responded, a warning in his voice. Ji-Yeong considered his options but his stubbornness won out instantly. 

"I am not a child" Ji-Yeong reminded him, brushing past Jae and bumping his arm as he did. Jae caught his arm, using it against the maknae. 

"Your sure acting like one. You know the rules, Choi Ji-Yeong!" Jae argued.

"Do not pretend like your my dad!" Ji-Yeong pushed him off, once again trying to make his escape and failing. Rayne and Jun retreated to Lee-Min's room, knowing where this was going. Jae looked around, still holding onto Ji-Yeong, and grabbed the chair close to him, propping his foot up on it and throwing the maknae over his knee. 


"You done?" Ji-Yeong scoffed, turning his head to look up at Jae. The oldest was actually planning on stopping there but he changed his mind and gave the twenty year old five more. Ji-Yeong squirmed uncomfortably, otherwise staying quiet until he was standing again and he glared at Jae.

"Give me your phone and go to your room. Your grounded" Jae ordered.

"I'm twenty, you can't ground me!" Ji-Yeong argued. 

"Do you want a round two over my knee?" Jae threatened. Jun stepped forward, crossing his arms. 

"And mine" He added, standing beside Jae, who was caught off guard by that but he appreciated it. Ji-Yeong huffed, throwing his phone onto the table and storming off.

"This is complete bullshit!" He slammed his door, and then there was the sound of it being locked as well. That could only mean one thing. 

"Choi Ji-Yeong, if you even think about leaving this dorm, I will take my belt to your backside. Do not test me" Jae yelled after him. It was quiet for all of two seconds before the three guys still standing in the living room heard a window sliding closed and someone screaming into their pillow. At least the little bundle of joy had enough respect for his hyungs to obey them. It was quite ironic, his stage name, considering he was currently being the complete opposite at the moment.

"You don't mean that, do you? You wouldn't do that to him, or any of us, right?" Rayne wondered, seeming just a little scared.

"Not for something like this, but he doesn't know that. Put yourself or each other in danger, then that's a different story" Jae explained. Rayne nodded; that made sense but he still hated it. He still hadn't gotten used to having a Korean hyung but he was finding that there was very little difference between having a Chinese older brother and a Korean older brother. Still some differences but very little. A while later, the door opened again and Ji-Yeong came out, his head hung low and shuffling his feet slowly as he walked over to the couch. Jae didn't pause the movie that was playing but he did turn his attention away from the TV. 

"Yes?" Jae waited. Judging by the pitiful look on the maknae's face, Jae knew what this was about. 

"Your a great, um...da-hyung and I shouldn't have said that I didn't need to listen to you. I am an adult but that doesn't matter. Your my hyung and so, I'm sorry for how I talked to you" Ji-Yeong fumbled with his hands, his head still directed towards the floor. Jae opened his arms to the maknae, letting Ji-Yeong sit in his lap and curl up in his arms. Jae kissed his forehead.

"You'll always be my little joy, even when your thirty and too big to fit in my lap or over my knee. Nothing is going to change" Jae promised.

"Thank you, hyung" Ji-Yeong closed his eyes, fighting to stay awake. Jae rubbed a hand up and down his arm, putting his maknae to sleep. Once the movie had ended, Jae got up and carried Ji-Yeong to his bed. Jun, Rayen and Lee-Min were asleep too so Jae carried them to their beds too. Jun curled up in his only hyung's arms and stayed in the same position even when he was set down and Lee-Min spread out like a starfish the second his body touched his bed. Rayne was by far the hardest one to carry because he was all arms and legs and moved around too much so Jae ended up half carrying-half dragging him upstairs. By the time, Jae settled down in his own bed, he could hear the soft breathing of his members through the thin walls. 

I hope you enjoy and feel free to leave requests if you have any. Do you guys have a favorite?

P-STAR stands for Priority Star
Jae Dong-Hyun. Korean. Rapper and dancer. 1998. Leader. Stage name: Jae. 26. 5'9
Xu Jun. Chinese. Rapper. 2001. Stage name: Jun. 23. 5'7
Wang Rui. Chinese. Vocalist. 2001. Stage name: Rayne. 23. 5'6
Lee Ji-Min. Korean. Lead vocalist and dancer. 2003. Stage name: Lee-Min. 21. 5'8
Choi Ji-Yeong. Korean. Maknae and main dancer. 2004. Stage name: JOY. 20. 5'6

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