Chapter 9: The Art of Seduction~

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Wriothesley had been watching Y/n for days, waiting for the perfect opportunity to make his move. He knew that she was wary of him, but he was confident that he could win her over with his charm and wit.

One evening, as Y/n emerged from her challenging day of work, Wriothesley approached her, a charming smile on his lips. "My dear Y/n, what a pleasant surprise to see you here," he said, his voice smooth as silk. "I was just on my way to dinner, would you care to join me?"

Y/n hesitated, unsure of Wriothesley's intentions. But something deep in his eyes made her curious, and she found herself nodding, agreeing to accompany him.

As they walked to the restaurant, Wriothesley was the perfect gentleman, charming Y/n with his wit and intelligence. He listened intently to her every word, making her feel truly seen and understood.

During dinner, Wriothesley continued to impress Y/n with his knowledge and charm. He spoke of his dilemmas in the Fortrice, painting a vivid picture of a life filled with excitement and intrigue.

As the evening wore on, Wriothesley found himself growing more and more captivated by Y/n. Her beauty, her intelligence, her spirit - he found himself drawn to her in a way he had never experienced before.

As they walked back to Y/n's home, Wriothesley knew that he had to make his move. He couldn't let her slip through his fingers, not when he felt such a strong connection to her.

Stopping near Neuvillette's door, Wriothesley took Y/n's hand in his, his gaze locked with hers. "Y/n, my dear, I know that we've never really met, but I feel a connection to you that I can't ignore," he said softly. "I know that I may not be the most conventional choice, but I promise you, my feelings for you are genuine."

Y/n's heart raced as she looked into Wriothesley's eyes. She knew that getting involved with him could be dangerous, but she couldn't deny the feelings that were growing inside her.

As she leaned in to kiss him, Wriothesley knew that his plan had worked. Y/n couldn't help falling for his charming self. And that scared her. Wriothesley was determined to make her his, no matter the cost. 

You all excited for the 4.5 banners?!?! I lost my last 50/50 on Nahida's banner, but I'm using it on Neuvillette's banner to accompany my Furina, and seeing if I can get Kazuha in the process! Who are you all going for? Also... I'm thinking about taking this next part a little deeper...

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