Chapter 4: Neuvillette's Revelation

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Neuvillette's POV:

Neuvillette watched from the shadows as Wriothesley led you outside, his heart heavy with a mixture of jealousy and concern. He knew that Wriothesley's intentions were far from pure, and he couldn't bear the thought of you falling prey to his charms.

As Wriothesley and yourself disappeared from view, Neuvillette made a decision. Ignoring the curious glances of the other guests, he slipped out of the ball and into the cool night air.

Making his way through the streets of Fontaine, Neuvillette eventually found himself outside the Palais Mermonia, the soft glow of the moon casting an eerie light over the scene. He knew that he should be focusing on his duties as the Ludex, but his thoughts were consumed by you.

Taking cover behind a nearby pillar, Neuvillette listened intently as yourself and Wriothesley engaged in conversation. Their voices were low and intimate, and Neuvillette strained to catch every word.

"I must admit, I never expected to find someone as intriguing as you in Fontaine," Wriothesley was saying, his tone smooth and persuasive.

You laughed softly, a sound that sent a pang of longing through Neuvillette's heart. "And I never expected to find myself caught between two such enigmatic men," you replied, your voice tinged with slight sadness.

Neuvillette clenched his fists, his jaw tight with suppressed emotion. He knew that he should reveal himself, to protect you from Wriothesley's machinations. But a part of him was afraid, afraid of what you might say, afraid of what you might feel.

As he continued to listen, Neuvillette realized that you were nowhere nearly as naive as you seemed. You questioned Wriothesley's motives, probing for the truth behind his charming façade.

"You're different from the others," you said, your voice filled with determination. "I can see through your mask, Wriothesley. And I will not be fooled by your lies."

Neuvillette felt a surge of pride at your words, mixed with a sense of relief. You were strong, stronger than he had ever imagined. And he knew then that he would do whatever it took to protect you, even if it meant revealing his true feelings.

Steeling himself, Neuvillette stepped out from the shadows, his gaze locked with the yours. "You are right to be cautious, Y/n," he said, his voice firm. "For Wriothesley's intentions are not as they seem. But fear not, for I am here to protect you, no matter the cost."

As your eyes widened in surprise, Neuvillette knew that your fate was now intertwined with his own. And he vowed to do everything in his power to keep them safe, even if it meant facing his own demons in the process.

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