Her worry about her AI son must have shown on her face because she felt Jin Liwei giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

He told her, "Bacon will be fine. Didn't he already promise us that safety will be his number one priority? He'll refuse his uncle's order if he deemed it too dangerous and will immediately notify us. Of course, I also already informed your brother about this."

She tilted her head to the side. "When did you and Big Brother talk about this? How come I don't know?"

"We talked when you ladies kicked us out so that you could all enjoy your girls' day with your friends. Your brother and I talked about a lot of things, Evelina."

"May I know what you the two of you talked about?"

"Of course, love. But how about we focus first on your strategy regarding leaving Bright Summit with my brother?"

"Oh, right." Iris blew out an annoyed breath. "This is so annoying. I feel so easily distracted lately."

He reached over and tucked a stray lock of her hair behind her ear. "Don't stress over it. Your doctor says that quite a lot of pregnant women experience this, so there's nothing wrong with you. It's normal."

She nodded and immediately felt better. Then she forced herself into business mode and resumed consulting her strategy with him.

Afterwards, they called JJ and Enrique Valdez separately for additional advice. The two became interested in her plan of creating her own independent entertainment and talent management company with Jin Chonglin that they even offered to give her whatever assistance she might need from them. Ever the student of the shameless Grandpa Lu, she accepted their offers without second thoughts, even though she hadn't decided yet what to ask from them.

Finally, the couple saved the best for last. They called Grandpa Lu and the business discussion soon turned into a hilarious catching up with each other.

"When are the two of you going to marry? I want to know!"

Iris looked at Jin Liwei who calmly answered the old man, "Soon, Grandpa Lu. Very soon."

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Chapter 882 - Familiar Sprightly Figure

Platinum Sky Condominium.

Long Jinjing gave one last kick to the focus mitt that Robin was holding before falling to the padded gym floor and not moving. She was gasping so hard and desperately trying to breathe more oxygen into her deprived lungs. It felt like all her energy had been used up in Robin's super intense 45-minute self-defence training.

"Excellent work, Miss Jinjing." Shun who played the part of "attacker" in the self-defence scenarios they covered today handed her a bottle of water, the cap already removed, but she couldn't even raise herself from the floor to receive it.

Robin removed her focus mitts before helping her up. Long Jinjing felt embarrassed but was helpless because she really felt too exhausted.


"No problem, Miss Jinjing," Robin said with a smile. "I'll give you thirty seconds to catch your breath before we have to do cool down exercises and stretching."

Long Jinjing wanted to cry. "Can I skip it?"

"I'm sorry, Miss," Robin said, her tone sympathetic. "Boss Hao personally designed and approved your training program. We have to follow it or we'll get into trouble."

Long Jinjing sighed and nodded. She didn't want Robin and Shun to get into trouble because of her. However, she intended to complain to Lu Zihao later and ask him to make her training a little lighter and suitable for regular people like her. All she wanted was to increase her strength and stamina and learn a bit of self-defence, not become a soldier or a professional fighter.

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