(Poe x Ranpo) Tails of a bloody Flower (Ft Karl)

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In the bustling city of Yokohama, Poe and Ranpo, were renowned for their unparalleled skills in solving mysteries. 

One day, Poe decided to write a book about the mysterious Hanahaki Disease that plagued the city, called the bloody flower.  Little did he know that the lines between reality and fiction would start to blur as he and Ranpo were inexplicably forced into the world of the book.

As they found themselves inside the pages of Poe's creation, they discovered that Ranpo was the one afflicted with the Hanahaki Disease in the story, throwing up none other than the corpse flower which just happened to be None other than Poe's favorite flower. The disease manifested as flowers blooming in his lungs, a physical manifestation of the unrequited love he harbored for Poe.

Karl, the loyal racoon and Poe's faithful companion, sensed the growing unease between Poe and Ranpo. He observed Ranpo's subtle glances and Poe's unknowing obliviousness to his friend's feelings.

The book posed a mystery that needed to be solved like all his other books - the identity of the person Ranpo was in love with.  As they delved deeper into the intricate plot, Ranpo found himself confronting his own emotions for Poe even though he's not very big on feelings and would much rather eat some Sweet treats . The realization dawned on him like a sudden revelation - it was Poe himself that he loved, not just as a friend but with a depth that he had never acknowledged before. Of course they had done many things together as friends,  But did Ranpo really want to stay friends...?

Caught in a whirlwind of emotions and tangled in the web of the book's narrative, Ranpo knew he had to make a choice. He had to reveal his feelings to Poe, even if it meant risking the bond they shared. Or end up dying holding in a secret...

On a moonlit night in the book's setting, Ranpo mustered the courage to speak his truth to Poe. The words that had remained unspoken for so long finally found their way to the surface as Ranpo bared his heart to his friend.

Poe, at first taken aback by Ranpo's confession, was stunned yet touched by the depth of his emotions.  As the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, Poe realized that the bond between them was far more intricate and layered than he had ever imagined.

In a moment of vulnerability and honesty, Ranpo and Poe faced the truth of their unspoken love. No lessons were learned, no profound realizations dawned upon them, but in that moment of raw honesty, they found a deeper connection that transcended the boundaries of friendship.

Karl looked on, his worries dissipating as he witnessed the unburdening of Ranpo's heart and the newfound understanding between the two detectives. The book's mystery may have been solved, but the real enigma lay in the unspoken love that now bound Poe and Ranpo together in a bond stronger than any case they had ever faced.

As they stepped out of the book and back into reality, Poe and Ranpo carried with them a newfound understanding and an unspoken promise of a love that transcended words and boundaries, knowing that in each other, they had found a kindred spirit, a mystery unsolved yet deeply felt.

And Karl felt very much at ease  knowing his dear owner was Happy 



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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