
"Good night, Evelina."

She felt him take away the baby in her arms. "Liwei, wait...."

Her eyes grew heavy. So heavy. No matter how hard she tried to fight off the drowsiness, she couldn't. Sleep pulled her, sucked her slowly at first, and then quickly into the world of darkness. She fought against it. But she sank...and she drowned.


When she awakened, the smell of blood, gunpowder and death filled the air.


The numerous helicopters sounded like beating drums announcing the execution of criminals.


Shouts and screams blended with gunshots. Smoke rose in the night sky like an evil phantom about to swallow the moon and the stars.

Oh, please no!

Inside the Dragon Palace Home #10 mansion, Iris who was wearing a white dress watched this scene from hell. She stood in the shadows, sweeping her dark phoenix eyes across all the carnage below her. Moonlight reflected on her black hair.

"No! This isn't happening! This isn't real!"

But everything felt real. The sound of two babies crying alarmed her. Where were her babies?!

"Liwei!" she shouted in fear. "Where are you?!"

She started running from room to room. Everywhere she went was a total wreck. However, the weird thing was that there was nobody in sight, even though she could hear the sounds of fighting and screaming in the distance.

The familiar hallways didn't seem to end. She ran and ran but couldn't reach where she wanted to go. Tears flowed down her eyes nonstop. She was screaming and calling for Jin Liwei. She could still hear the loud, distressed cries of their babies but couldn't figure out where they were.

With her great hearing, she heard the enemies finally invading the mansion. The gunshots rang louder as they drew nearer.

"No, please! My family in this life is innocent! Don't take them away from me!"

She ran faster and harder, not knowing where she was running towards, but she didn't care. The most important thing was to look for Jin Liwei, their babies and the others and to make sure that they were safe. This time, she wouldn't just sit there calmly and allow the enemies to annihilate her entire family. She would fight back and save her loved ones.

"Evelina, where are you?"

Finally, she heard Jin Liwei's voice calling for her. She followed his voice and arrived at her piano room. He was carrying both of their twin babies in his arms. She ran towards him and embraced him before taking one of the babies from him.

"We need to get out of here," she said in an urgent tone.

Then Beethoven's "Für Elise" started seeping through the sounds murder in the air.

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Chapter 842 - Scream At Heaven And Hell

Iris looked in horror at the lone piano in the room. The keys were playing by themselves. Goosebumps popped up all over her skin.

"Darling, let's go," she said with more urgency. "Hurry."

Just as they were going to run, the door to the room crashed open.


Dark, shadowy figures raised their guns and started shooting at them.

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