Taking a step back, she looked from the door to the bath, "W-when did—?" she trailed off. For a long moment, she merely stared at it, then she lifted her arm and sniffed and gasped. "Oh-oh, god!" she exclaimed.

Dropping her head, she finally just stamped her feet throwing her arms up as she wrestled with herself. Should she take a bath, or remain stinking? At least then Sir suck ass, wouldn't find her sexy, smelling as she did. As she stared at the tub and watched the steam making shapes in the air, she grumbled, "This has got to be a bribe." Searching the room, she crossed her arms as she straightened. "Fine! I'll call your bluff," she said to no one in particular, "But if you think a bath earns you a night with me, you're wrong!"

Boldly, grabbing the edge of the sheet wrapped around her, she jerked on it till it fell at her feet in a heap. Stepping out of the pile, she made her way over to the bath and waved her hand over it. The water rushed up, and encircled her, lifting her up and sat her inside the porcelain tub. She sighed, as the heat wrapped around her, as soon as she relaxed, her weary muscles began loosening. Animals broke the surface and started to play. She let herself smile as the horse galloped in circles.

Once she washed using the soaps on the bath tray, she stood, only to find a towel within arm's reach on a silver hanging stand she hadn't noticed before. Reaching for it, she used it to dry off. Then, she wrapped the long piece of fabric around herself. She stepped from the bath. It felt good to be clean once more. She thought as she tucked in the edges. She then turned her back to the bath, only to jump when she heard the jostling of water. She glanced over her shoulder in time to see wispy, see-through figures pick up the large tub and carry it out through the door.

Her eyes wide, she then watched as the same creatures returned, only now they carried a vanity, a chair and an assortment of hair products. They sat them near the bed, and laid out all the products until with the same silence of their appearance, they disappeared.

For a long second, as water rolled off her skin, some of it dripping on the floor, she stared at it. She then shook her head and took a seat. Her eyes were looking at the hair products. She thoughtfully reached a hand out for a short, squat one. And couldn't help the amused smile that came to her lips, "Shea butter, huh?" She shook her head again, setting the butter back down, "I guess he's a regular at kidnapping us curlies." She hummed thoughtfully, as she reached up and pulled the pin out of her hair. She'd kept from getting it wet, as she'd thought she wouldn't be able to do anything to it. Another reason why generics shouldn't randomly kidnap black women. What would they do if a sister fell in water? Hmm. "Nothing, they'd do not'in," she muttered.

Her hair was long, reaching her mid-back, but that was because she hadn't had a chance to cut it. When a Capricorn entered the RTE hot springs, their hair tended to grow longer, and braids were more of an indulgence. She grabbed up some of the oil and quickly poured some on her hands. She then started rubbing it into her scalp before going to the rest of her hair.

The familiar habit calmed her. She even allowed herself to think about her next year of school. She hoped that Olive would be joining her. It would be nice to have her friend around including Krishna. She parted the hair in four parts and started to braid it, coiling them around each other, so that they formed a crown. She glanced on the vanity table top and spotted a few hairpins.

She could kiss those wraith, creepy things. Grabbing up three, she shoved them in.

"You're beautiful."

The statement caused her back to tense, her hands pausing as she had been patting a few strands into place. Lowering them, she looked over her shoulder at the Ass king. He stared at her, with a focus that caused goosebumps to rise on her skin. Deciding she'd done enough yelling and screaming yesterday, she decided to put forth her best 'Olive.' It was hard. She just knew her teeth were going to be ground down to nubs.

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