chapter three

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Year five with House Atreides
*10 and 11*

The two friends sat together in Paul's room

Lady Jessica walked into the room where Paul and Miranda were sitting, Paul listening to a filmbook but the girl was half asleep on his bed.

"Get ready Paul, a announcement is to be made." The woman said, bringing Miranda out of the hazy state she was in as she sat up straight. The young girl blinking the tiredness away. She's never seemed to be able to stay awake when he listens to those things, not understanding how the young future Duke could find them interesting.

Once lady Jessica had walked out of the room Miranda stood up as she stretched her bones popped, making her nose wrinkle at the sound. "I will see you out there." She told him, casting her emerald gaze to him.

Paul looking at her for a moment before nodding his head slightly, the boy standing up to get dressed in a more appropriate outfit, some the that didn't look like you could go train in it.

Miranda was pacing the halls, a tiger in a cage waiting to be let out, she didn't like formal occasions or the proper atmosphere they would bring. A gentle stream of sunlight came into the window, she would move in and out of it like a flickering candle, light then a shadow.

At last the door to where the Atreides family resided opened, reveling Paul in a more sleek outfit, his curles brushed down slightly much to the girl's disappointment as she liked the wild, waves of his hair.

"Are you ready?" Miranda asked him with a certain authority in her tone, the way a soldier would speak when in the presence of her commander. Paul smiled at the girl and nodded his head. "Yeah, let's go." He offered the girl his arm, a invitation to move closer, to show that they were of the same mind, that even in hard times it was them against it all.

As always Miranda accepted the invitation without a hint of hesitation. They walked down the hall together, linked. "What do you think it is?" Paul asked her in a whisper, passing some of the other officers.

The smaller girl shrugged her shoulders as she tilted her head towards him. "No idea." She said with curiosity in her voice. Usally with important announcements the two would know or at least have a clue, but this time they couldn't even piece anything together.

Duke Leto stood with Lady Jessica and Gurney, waiting for the two younger ones to arrive. The men wore a smile on their faces. Paul and Miranda couldn't help but share a questioning look as they walked further towards them. "What's going on?" Paul was the one who voiced the question that ran through both of their minds.

"Today we are officially announcing that Miranda is your personal guard. That the two of you are a team." Leto said with a smile that was as bright as a thousand suns.

Paul's grin was wide and more bright as he looked over at the girl on his arm. The look of pride that shined in her eyes making him admire her even more then before, seeing how she seemed so thrilled with the position of protecting him, that even now she had such a strong sense of loyalty and honor. 

Leto stepped towards them,  placing a hand on Miranda's shoulder, her eyes going up to the man's face. "You are such a amazing girl, you will grow to be a exceptional woman." He told her softly before he offered his arm to lady Jessica, the two walking out first.

Rewrite the stars Paul Atreides Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora