Chapter two

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Year three with House Atreides
*8 and 9*

Miranda was walking nervously towards Duke Leto's office.

The older man had requested to speak with her, alone of all things and frankly the idea scared the girl half to death. She's been there for three years now, learning how to fight from Gurney and Duncan alike. She was becoming a fine warrior.

With a deep breath the young girl quieted her mind but she was unable to do anything about her racing heart, knocking gently three times on the door. "Come in!" His kind voice called out.

She knew that she had no reason to fear Duke Leto, the man always seemed to care for her and never was harsh, unlike some of the men she had met there. As she straightened her back and held up her head she pushed the door open as she walked in with the confidence only a anxious person could pull off.

"You asked to see me, sire?" She said once she reached him. Leto looked over at her with such fatherly love in his eyes it made her heart hurt for what she had seemed to lack. "You sound so grown up for a child." His voice held reminisce as he recalled the girl Gurney had brought back.

His eyes looking at her with such admiration. "I've called to ask you something very important and serious Miss Roswell." He told her as he sat down on a bench that was in the room, beckoning her to walk over and join him.

Leto could see her mind working at unraveling what he has to ask her, trying to understand if it was good or bad? But regardless of the thousands of questions that lurked in the shadows of her eyes she walked towards him.

"You are growing to be a fine warrior, even at such a young age I can see the fighting spirit in you. You have a strong loyalty to us, especially towards my son." He chuckled at the rose flush that coveted her face at that. "I think you are in the perfect position to become Paul's personal guard. Are you intrested in that position?"

Her face light up at the job. While yes it would be a excuse to constantly hang out with her dearest and closest friend but it gave her a purpose, something she had lacked. Even at their age Paul would be the future of House Atreides, he had a purpose.

And now Paul would be her's. She raised her head high as she gave the Duke a nod, grin on her face. "I would be honored, sire." She dropped into a bow but soon she was pulled to the man in a embrace. She froze for a second before she wrapped her arms around him.

"Thank you for always looking out for him. He's lucky to have you." Leto said after he pulled away from the hug, keeping his hands on her shoulders to look her in the eyes. "I'm lucky to have him." She told him truthfully with a smile on her face.

Off she set with a new found meaning in her life, something that she would work towards and become better at. She found a reason to stick around and to be worthy of existing in Caladan with the House Atreides. 

Paul was walking through the hall when he saw her, a amused look crossing his features. "You certainly look happy, why is that? Any reason special?" He commented catching her attention, a thing he has grown to like being on him. He enjoyed knowing that she thought about him even a bit because his thoughts were plagued with her.

"I've been given a job if you must know." Miranda said brightly, not noticing the shift in his gaze, wondering if this new job would be something that would pull her away from him and make their time together less and less as they grew up side by side in diffrent halls and diffrent worlds.

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