Guardian Meet Up

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The bell rang to indicate the end of class and many of the students rushed out to enjoy their weekend freedom. While a few students lagged behind, among them was a pink haired girl slowly putting her books away in her bag. She yawned, she was tired and she swore the black circles under her eyes were evident to everyone.

"Cheer up Amu-chan!!" a small voice cheered, the pink haired girl glanced up to see a small red hair floating little person in a cheer leading outfit waving her pom poms. "You only have to complete today's Guardian meeting and we go home!" the little person said. If only she could just go straight home.

"I hope so, Ran... last night's X-Egg hunt was tiring." Amu mumbled, placing her bag over her shoulders. Her guardian Characters Ran, Miki, and Suu giving worried glances over their tired person. Amu was now in middle school. Meanwhile their advances in finding the Embryo and stopping Easter seemed to have no end. Dealing with school and other teenage shenanigans didn't help. Walking out of class Amu saw her friend, Rima, a short girl with long blond wavy hair wearing a black head band, who stood there waiting for her. Much like Amu, they both wore their middle school uniforms, which was the same design as their elementary one. Instead of the girls having red accents they now wore purple accents, while the boys wore green instead of blue.

"Amu," Rima greeted with a slight nod. Amu nodded and they both began to walk towards their destination past the whispers, awes, and squeals of their peers. Like that would ever get old.

"I don't get how you don't look tired, Rima." Amu pointed out as they exited the school building walking into a new path that led to a Green House, to them also known as the Royal Garden. Her comment earned her a piercing glare from Rima, only then did Amu notice the dark circles forming under Rima's eyes, she also could've sworn she saw a dark aura surrounding Rima. Amu could only muster a dry laugh in her defense.

That's the life of a Guardian.

Both girls entered the garden and were greeted by a calming smell of tea and freshly baked cookies. In the middle of a garden was a table set up for eight, which made Amu and Rima wonder why, since the table was usually set for five. At the table waiting for them was Nagihiko, a boy with long dark purple hair and amber eyes, who was already sipping a cup of tea. Tadase, a blonde boy with ruby colored eyes, eating one of the cookies and Kukai, a boy with auburn messy hair and olive colored eyes who was bouncing a soccer ball around until he noticed Amu and Rima arriving at the table. Greeting them with a hearty "Hey!"

"Good afternoon Amu-chan, Rima-chan," Tadase greeted as both girls took their seats, Nagihiko stood up and poured them tea and Kukai helped push their seats in, keeping the soccer ball under one of his arms. Their guardian Characters floating and greeting each other even setting up in their own little playhouse castle with their own tea and cookies.

"Afternoon Tadase-Kun" Amu said and greeted Nagihiko as he poured her tea.

"Afternoon," Rima said, taking a sip of her tea. Amu turned to Kukai

"It's a surprise seeing you here" She commented, earning a wink from him.

"Well.. todays a special occasion" Kukai responded, either he actually knew something or he was pretending, Amu was at least sure about that with the wink he gave.

"Yes, Kukai-kun will take part in this meeting, Tsukasa-san personally reached out to him." Tadase spoke up, earning a questionable look from Amu, Rima and Nagihiko. "We're just waiting on Kairi and Yuki-chan" This earned more questionable looks.

"Yes.. It seems Tsukasa-san wants to speak with all of us current and former guardians" Nagihiko added, thinking about their situation. While normally their positions would end in elementary school, the guardians extended their branch onto their middle school years, with Easter nowhere near ending their search of the embryo and with no new Guardians arising to take their places, it was decided to allow Amu, Rima, Nagihiko, Tadase and Yaya to keep their current roles. Kukai still kept his role as a graduate guardian and Kiari kept his position as a sub Jack. The only difference is that their meeting takes place in the middle school's garden.

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