3 AM

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Kirari lay in bed quietly, as her pristine white hair caught her tears. Her sniffles were quiet, enough so that her twin on the other side of the room couldn't hear her suffering. The president's breathing wasn't stable and her sobs came out in quick bursts of pain.

She clenched her teeth to stifle a cough and whimper as more tears fell into the blankets she had wrapped around her body, the room wasn't cold, she was burning up but it was something to keep her sister from seeing her body shake as she gripped the pillow and let out a few shallow breathes.

She couldn't help it, she didn't know what set her off, usually, she wasn't this sensitive or tearful but her head swirled around thoughts. Negative, emotional, painful thoughts that had more tears spring from her eyes and harsh sobs through gritted teeth.

Whether it was some song she listened to, just to keep her mind off things, or trying to talk to her mom about her feelings and being told that she could deal with them on her own, basically causing her to suffer more. She sobbed out loud as another text was sent through, looking at her phone she whimpered and hid her head in the blankets.

You're the clan leader, you'll be fine.

Kirari couldn't agree with it, was it fine staying up for weeks past 5 in the morning crying and sobbing? Or not being able to find herself beautiful enough? Or retreating into her room after hours and hours of drowning herself in work and spiked tea?

Kirari didn't think so, she wanted to be fine, to smile and sleep well like she used to, be able to take a shower without wanting to feel sick about the way she looked or waking up with a headache every night and when she was sober crying for hours on end until she reached exhaustion.

She couldn't remember a time when she went to her mom, aunts, uncles, or anyone with a problem and tears and they held her, comforting her until everything was better. She didn't remember a time when she didn't feel the empty hugs or blank smiles crushing her existence and despising her for who she was.

Ririka was her salvation through it all, even though her twin had a rebel streak in their life, she held her sister tight, whispering words of love and care, it didn't last long however, the twins were teenagers now and her sister had stopped the loving embraces and soft words.

A loud sob erupted from Kirari, she squeezed the blankets and curled her head into her knees, wrapping her arms around herself protectively. It was a practiced form of self-defense when she lay in bed, it meant she wanted to be left alone. She had almost an entire week where she was curled into bed before her sister pulled her out, her mother looked at the clan leader, expressing how she thought Kirari had left.

The loneliness Kirari felt sent another empty feeling through her chest, she wanted her stuffed animal. He was a lion, with a full mane where his neck was and black beady eyes. She had named him King, but he was taken away from her when the twins turned 12 and she was told she needed to grow up.

It hurt her deeply to lose him, considering he'd been there for years, being one of the main things she held onto when she spent nights like these alone, sobbing under a blanket curled up and gripping her hair. Her breathing became erratic as the air started to get thick, and heavy and she started to sweat however she didn't care, another sharp sob escaped her throat as she yanked her hair harder.

Ririka woke up to the dull headache and groaned, she leaned over hearing the gasp Kirari let out. She found her baby sister under the blanket and furrowed her brows Ririka got up, a warm feel touching the soft carpet as she made her way through the room and to Kirari's bedside.

From above the oldest could see where the blanket fell on Kirari and where it lay on the mattress, Ririka gently took a corner and slowly pulled back, finding her baby sister in the middle, sobbing and pulling at flocks of hair, her phone laid next to her with their mother's chat. She degraded Kirari for having the slightest thing wrong, telling her she didn't need the comfort she asked for, the advice she wanted, or words of wisdom she never got.

Leaning down she gently took Kirari's hands in hers, taking them out of her hair. The youngest winced and pulled away from her touch, "Shhh Kirari, it's just me." She said softly, "You're pulling your hair out." Ririka said the dull headache was gone now that she calmed the pain and gently laid down.

Kirari whimpered and sobbed when she felt Ririka next to her, offering her body comfort. "Come here." The elder girl whispered, to which Kirari listened and laid her head on her shoulder, nuzzling her neck and crying more as Ririka wrapped her arms around her. "You're safe with me. I won't hurt you." She promised.

In the night Ririka held Kirari tight as her attack calmed to just sobs and whimpers, "Riri?" Kirari whispered, her voice harsh and throat dry "What?" "Do we have any more water bottles?" Ririka nodded, getting up and going to the mini-fridge. She grabbed water and turned to find Kirari sitting up for once, her knees to her chest, her head on top, and her arms around them.

Ririka looked at her twin and a pang of anger replaced every emotion she felt, their parents did this, the elders did this, and they never liked it when Kirari cried, laughed, or gave a soft smile to anyone. Her grandmother wouldn't appreciate what Ririka did and degraded the younger one for even acting out.

She came with the water and grabbed the blanket, Kirari took the water as Ririka sat beside her and wrapped the huge, heavy blanket around them both. Keeping each other warm, they didn't say anything but Kirari leaned on Ririkas strong form and nuzzled slightly.

Ririka kissed her sister's head after a while and sighed, thinking of all the times Kirari just wanted someone to love, to hold her when she cried, or be there when she needed it however no one was there, they wouldn't let Ririka comfort her when she was younger and what they did to Kirari was cruel. She recalls a time Kirari once told her about a room in the estate that she would be locked into for crying or wanting comfort.

It was the same room they gambled in, she was locked in with their relatives older and much less caring about what they thought or said, if she let a tear slip they would yell and degrade her for feeling the way she did. Kirari was just little, after getting hurt or even something huge like the time she had broken her finger when doing something outside and she tried to tell them but due to the tears, they wouldn't listen.

Humiliating, is all Ririka could think about when she thought of Kirari's trauma. It was so different from what she had gone through, no one would strike the younger twin for fear, but that didn't mean she wasn't abused. A soft sniffle pulled Ririka away from her train of thought as she looked down, Kirari moved to her chest, listening to her heartbeat.

"Mother didn't even try to say something nice." She muttered and Ririka sighed "It's okay, we don't need them." She brushed a gentle hand through Kirari's tangled hair, "I'm here and I won't leave you." The elder sister promised. "Okay." After a while steady breathing and soft snores told Ririka she had fallen asleep, setting the closed water bottle on the nightstand she wrapped her arms around Kirari's body and held her close, not leaving her side.

Short but sometimes having a sister moment is what you need.

Kakegurui Stories and Scenariosजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें