chapter two

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why'd it feel louder
when all of it went unspoken
all i can do is hope that
this will all go away
'amelie' by gracie abrams

Gracie is sitting in the driver's seat of the car even though she hates driving. Even though she hates parking, especially if she's never had to park there before. Sometimes driving was an act she avoided at all costs, especially in crowded areas like the airport - but here she was. Doing it for Abby. Because there's nothing she wouldn't do for Abby.

Sitting with her phone open on Google, with Abby's flight tracker alerting her that the plane has arrived safe and sound. She knew Abby was at baggage claim, waiting for her suitcase before coming out to the parking lot. Of course, she felt guilty that Abby's flight had been a whole week earlier than they'd expected because of the drama that unfolded at home, but she was relieved. It was a whole week where she could avoid sitting in silence, lost in thought. Especially if Abby had been through something dramatic - Gracie knows the girl wouldn't be able to stop talking about it. Abby tended to ruminate about things that bothered her and Gracie already knew that this would be one of those things. She didn't mind - worrying about Abby meant that her mind had something focused on rather than anxiously tearing herself into pieces.

Gracie fiddles with the front pieces of her hair, which is sitting in a messy bun on top of her head. She wishes that she could be one of those curly-headed girls who could throw their hair into a bun and have it look like every strand of hair was perfectly in place. But Gracie's wavy hair just wouldn't do what she wanted it to. So she pulled out her front bits, figuring that it makes it look a little better. Checking Find My Friends one last time, she sees that Abby's only about two hundred meters away. It's a good thing, she tells herself. Seeing Abby is a good thing. But she can't help but worry. Will Abby see her obsidian circles under her eyes? The way she's a little bit too pale even though she should have a radiant glow about her? Better yet, what's Abby going to look like? Will her cheeks be stained with tears? She's lost a lot in the last twenty-four hours. Gracie takes a deep breath, preparing herself for the support she'll have to give Abby when she makes it to the car.

Abby's wearing shorts - which catches Gracie off guard. Shorts aren't Abby's 'fall apart' clothes. Neither is the tank top and beaded necklace she's wearing. Her Converse aren't what Gracie expected. Abby looked... fine. Her hair is hanging neatly in small curls down her back, and her sunglasses are sitting on her head. And... she's smiling. Above all, she looks excited to be here. Abby has a light blue suitcase that she's wheeling behind her, and a backpack on her shoulders. If Gracie didn't know that today was a whole week earlier than expected... if she hadn't heard her best friend on the phone last night... she'd think Abby was fine. Her nails are painted, there's a spring in her step. Abby waves to her, and Gracie doesn't know quite what to think. At least on the phone, she seemed to be the tiniest bit panicked - but here she was, walking towards her - perfectly fine. If anything, Gracie figures that she's the one who looks like she's fallen apart.
Abby swings open the trunk of Gracie's car with a chirpy 'hello!' and Gracie turns her body to face the passenger seat.
"Abs..." Gracie's voice gets lost somewhere in her throat as she takes in the sight of her friend. Abby was wearing makeup, her cheeks dusted with blush and her eyelids sparkly. Mascara perfectly brightened her eyes with silver eyeliner and contour on her cheeks.
"That was the longest flight of my life," Abby put on her seatbelt. "But I'm here! Let's start this great adventure, Grac. I'm so excited!" Abby ran her fingers through the ends of her hair, and Gracie watches her with a puzzled look on her face.
"What?" Abby laughs.
"Are you... okay?" Gracie asks cautiously.
"Oh, yeah! I mean, screw them all, Grac. Screw them all." The blonde girl shrugged, sighing. "It doesn't really matter."
"It does to me, Ab. You seemed really upset and panicky on the phone-"
"I think it was just the shock of it all, you know? But I've had a solid few hours to think about it and I've decided that I'm not gonna sit here and feel sorry for myself. Why would I do that when I get to tour with my best friend Gracie Abrams?!" Abby squeals. "I mean, come on! It doesn't get better than this." Abby laughs, looking over at Gracie in the driving seat with wondrous eyes. "I've missed you so much, Grac."
"You say that as if you haven't been calling me at every possibility and like you don't send texts updating me about your life every ten minutes." Gracie laughs but quietens into a serious tone. "But seriously, Abby. I need to hear the whole thing, even if you've decided you're above it all." She pauses. "Because I'm happy if you're over it, but I still want to know what you've been through while I'm not there." The last month that Gracie has been on the road has been the longest the two have ever gone without seeing each other, for their entire lives.

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