Chapter 1: Him

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I sip my Starbucks while watching the basketball game. The basketball with.. well.. the greatest, stunning men ever. But one men stood out to me. He had blonde, fluffy hair, blue eyes, and looked like he was from a video game. I couldn't believe my eyes. He was perfect. I tried to stop- "Alex!" "Sorry..", I say, realizing that I was with my friend, Angela. Angela is cool, but she can get on my nerves sometimes. She knew I was looking at a guy. For someone who knew me for this long, it's easy to tell when I'm fantasizing or.. giving the "love stare". Anyways, the whistle finally blew, and the team with that guy on won. I was actually so interested in this guy that I went over to him. "Hi!" I awkwardly said. "Uhh do I know you?" The guy said. "No, I actually just.." I was trying to think of something to say. "You did great!" I blurted out of nowhere. I was so happy that he didn't walk away. "Thanks." He flung his towel to his other shoulder. I was trying not to his arms, but.. oh my lord. Anyways, I said "Do you play any other sports?" "No, but I occasionally run just for fun." I smiled, even though I knew it was really weird. I was so into him, so I took a risk and said, "When is your next game?" "March 18th at 7:00PM", he said. "Ok!" I paused. "Can I come?" I asked, again awkwardly. He smiled. I blushed on accident. It was so embarrassing but the embarrassment got stopped when he said, "Of course, I'll see you there." He said, while I smiled and we went on. I screamed to Angela like most people do when they interact well with someone they liked.

7:00 PM, March 18th

Me and my other friend, which was way more energetic, were watching the basketball game. That guy scored so much points, I screamed and cheered with Ashley, the other friend. The game ended and I was so excited to see him again. He said, "You came!" We both smiled. "Yeah, couldn't ask out of nowhere and miss it!" We smiled again, but this time I knew had for sure blushed. I asked, "Can I get your number? I understand if it's not comfortable with you since we just met each other." "No, It's fine." We exchanged numbers. It made my day. He said, "My name is Cloud."

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