Chapter 10: Grimmauld Place

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The smell of pumpkin soup and olives engulfed the air where Hermione was sitting – the big wooden table spread across the lowly dimmed kitchen, chatter filling the room and smiles could be seen from everywhere. Harry had invited her to a family dinner for an early birthday celebration at Grimmauld Place.

Only that she didn't expect everyone to be there.

From the Weasleys to McGonagall and Hagrid, to Andromeda and Teddy. She hadn't seen everyone in one place since the end of the war where they gathered at Hogwarts to pay their respects to the Witches and Wizards who were lost in their dedication to the Order and defeating Voldemort.

She sat next to Ginny, who she could see was a little nervous to be in Harry's presence, yet still decided to do what she thought was right and come and celebrate Harry.

To Hermione, it felt a little bit strange being with all these people who thought they knew her. When in reality, she wasn't who they thought she was – and that wasn't her fault – but she couldn't help but feel so... out of place.

They all looked at her as the Brightest Witch of their age – a Muggleborn who helped defeat the Dark Lord against all odds being against her. Yet, she wasn't a Muggleborn. She was as pure as most of the people here, and she didn't know what that meant for her.

"You seem a little quieter than usual, Missy." She looked up to meet the same pearly eyes as Narcissa Malfoy, the only difference being the contrast of her dark hair. Andromeda took the seat next to Hermione, and reached up to move a strand of Hermione's hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear.

During the war, she always found solace in Andromeda's presence. It wasn't very often, but she'd be at all the Order meetings, always providing insight when they were out searching for Horcruxes – the lot. Hermione could very well admit that she saw Andromeda as the mother she had lost during the war, and she feels like Andromeda feels the same about her – being a daughter for the one she lost during the war.

"It's just been a long week, Andy." Hermione admitted. "I haven't been able to sleep well."

"Hmm... Do you need me to brew you a herbal draught that helps me sleep at night?"

"Oh, that would actually be lifesaving." Hermione smiled at the older lady in front of her. Despite not lying completely, Hermione could see the woman eyeing her sceptically, almost as if she was searching for the truth behind Hermione's eyes.

"You haven't been at home, dear?"

"Oh- I have- but I've been staying late at the store... work stuff." Hermione shrugged before looking away.

"Right, well do make sure you put that mighty brain of yours to rest sometimes, too. Oftentimes, I feel that taking a good break from work... and other duties before bedtime usually helps me sleep better." Andromeda smiled. "Of course, the herbal draught helps too." She offered Hermione a quick wink before looking at Ginny who had been picking at the food in front of her. "Seems like everyone's been having a rough week."

"'Mione, do you mind if I show you something?" The ever-so-familiar voice came from behind Hermione, she turned to catch the blue eyes of Ron Weasley. Her insides began to do flips – not for the same reasons as they used to back in sixth year, rather because Ron's eyes reminded her of how different they were to the ones she was staring at just two nights ago in the alleyway.

She smiled and excused herself from the table and followed him onto the garden.

He had grown slightly taller from the war, he had made a point of working out and playing Quidditch a lot more which can be seen through his back definition. He was quite a muscular man, but from comparison, not as muscular as Malfoy. He had grown into his features, too, but his cheeks were always chubby, and she couldn't help but love that about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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