Professor of violin

Beginne am Anfang

yibo fell behind the group after they arrived at the cafeteria

He wanted to visit the General Music Department...and he happened
I already have supervisor approval to go there

As soon as he entered, he felt calm prevailing over the place. The corridor of the halls was empty, like all the study halls that he peeped into.

He felt a little frustrated...he wanted to meet someone who shared his passion

He was about to leave before he heard a sound starting to play from one of the side rooms

Strong playing... for the best combination of violin and piano.

He did not stop his curiosity from peeping and entered the room from which the sound came

It was not a boy...but a huge man

It's as if he recorded the piano piece before and now the violin is complementing it

Yibo was mesmerized by his playing

His long legs and formal suit, along with his stern features and the melody coming from him, gave him the aura of a true violin king.

Yibo did not dare take his eyes off him...and his ears melted at the beauty that penetrated his hearing.

All his senses were paralyzed when he played the violin intensely. It is impossible for a beginner to hold the violin with such intensity and lightness at the same time.

And Yibo felt a tremor as soon as the man stopped playing

But he did not open his eyes or even change his position

When did it open?  He just looked at the embarrassed looking yibk opposite him

His eyes are wide, empty brown, unlike the eyes of Yibo, who has heterochromia

“ you not a student in the department.”

Yibo trembled as soon as he heard the man's deep tone. He did not change his blank look at him

“A.. I came with the tour boys...”

"Did you keep your way here?"

"In fact.."

“The department’s students are all on vacation today, the aptitude test is tomorrow,” the person sitting said
"And you?"

“Do I look like a student here?”

Yibo felt extremely embarrassed

“Next time, you should get to know the teaching staff.”

He is a professor?!

The man left the room, leaving Yibo alone, looking at the wall in embarrassment

He had spied on a professor in a department that would be his place next year

How can he now take another step here?!

“Come with me.. I will return you to your comrades because I want to close the department.”

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