A Monster

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Gamera's POV 3rd person

Gamera woke up from his sleep. His thoughts continued.

'A monster. I am made to be a monster to them. I have to, I can't disobey them. They made me. I have to be one' Gamera thought to himself.

Gamera was trying to convince his small bit of brain to be like the other kaiju. He decided to help this bit of brain to be a monster brain like the others then he could do his job. Gamera swam up to the city that he started to destroy and only some other kaiju destroyed most of it. There were still buildings so Gamera aimed for those as warm ups. Gamera got out of the ocean to destroy the buildings. Gamera hoped there were no kids to tear his mind in a debate again.

No one's POV

There was a group of three kids. The oldest being 12 the middle being 10 and the youngest being around 6. They are siblings and just watched their parents die in front of them. They were running around the city trying to find help. The youngest was crying out of fear and the middle was on the verge of tears too. The oldest was trying to keep it together for the siblings sake. Then they felt the ground shaking. The youngest got scared and started to cry even more.

"Not another kaiju" the middle child sighed in defeat.

The oldest grabbed the middle's hand and started to run while carrying the youngest.

"We can't give up now. Not to those things" the oldest said being out of breath.

They ran till they found a well hidden place to hide in. They hoped that the kaiju didn't see or hear them. They heard buildings being knocked over.

"Why is it here. There are almost no people to kill here" the middle said quietly.

"It may be warming up for something" the oldest quietly replied.

"Do you think it's the turtle from a few days ago?" The youngest asked the older kids.

"That makes sense. It's maybe waking up" the middle said.

"Do you think the turtle is a less mean kaiju?" The youngest asked.

"Why do you ask Billy?" The oldest asked.

"Well, it hurts the least amount of people and when it was doing it, it had a look of pain and sadness on its face. I saw the look" Billy said calming down.

"Well, it still hurt people and it came from the same place as all the other kaiju so I think it's equally as mean as the other kaiju" the middle sighed.

"Well I don't know. We don't know what's going on in the kaiju heads. All we know is that the kaiju might be forced to kill people" the oldest said.

The oldest and the middle were quietly debating about the idea. When the two weren't paying attention, Billy went out of the hiding spot. Billy saw Gamera standing close by building.

Gamera's POV

Gamera looked down to the side to see a little boy. Gamera felt an overwhelming need to protect the kid. Gamera knows his job knows he has to kill the kid but he doesn't want to. 

'I am a monster. I should kill the kid but why can't I do it.' Gamera thought.

Billy gave a wave to Gamera as a hi. Gamera forced a wave back with a forced smile. Gamera saw two older kids come out of their hiding spot. The oldest picked up Billy and they started to run as far as they could from him. It started a new debate in Gamera's head.

'Why was the small one not scared of me. The two bigger ones seem to.' Gamera thought.

Gamera fell to his knees when he felt his mind become darker. The Precursors were slipping back into his head. Gamera tried to fight back for the kids safety. Gamera soon got back on his feet. He was trying to force himself to ocean again but couldn't. Gamera lost this mental fight against the Precursors. Gamera looked where he last saw the kids. They were gone. Gamera walked in that direction hoping to find the kids.

The kids POV

The kids were hiding in a broken down building. They felt the ground shaking as Gamera walked past their hide out. When Gamera was walking past, a beam fell. It was about to fall on the trio till the oldest pushed the others away. The oldest was crushed. Billy started to cry in the middle kid's shirt. The middle kid, Beth also started crying.


I hope you all like this chapter. This is like the second or third rewrite of this and I am quite happy about it. And I hope it's good and I am not about to rewrite it for the 4th time at the moment.

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