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          In ages past, there was once a human and a god who had fallen in love with each other named Cupcakke and Zeus. Cupcakke was a normal human who took care of farms and took care of her children from her old husband. Zeus was a god of the sky and one day Zeus came down and saw the most beautiful person and just knew he had to ask her something.
"Hey my name is Zeus and I like the way you take care of your farm and children," said Zeus.
"Thank you," said Cupcakke
"Do you and your husband take care of this farm together?" asked Zeus.
"I'm single, me and my husband divorced a couple years back," said Cupcakke. "I'm sorry," said Zeus.
"It's fine, things happen for a reason," said Cupcakke.
"Yeah I guess," said Zeus.
"You're kinda cute and nice... would you like to go on a date with me?" said Zeus
"Thank you and I would like to go and would like to have a nice time with you and hang
out with you!" said Cupcakke happily. "YES!" Zeus said in his head.
"Okay!" said Zeus.

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