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Love. It's so confusing but feels great. Yesterday I went out with Lenny to the fair, it wasn't necessarily a date to me, more like a hang out since every one else was there. In the end I went to drop ourselves off at home, where the Len modules and them resided at. I took Lenny to his room and tucked him in, he's so childish, I read him a goodnight story because he hasn't had one in a while. I tried my best to make it seem good, and with that, the night ended.
      The next morning went by quick. It freaks me out how one lets time go by quick when asleep. Then again, I'm sure people question it sometimes, or I'm just being weird.

     I felt in need of food, 'Hopefully there's something left over in the kitchen.' I'm not a great professional in cooking things, so hope was needed for something already prepared. I slipped out of bed and stretched, yawning faintly as I rubbed my eyes. I'm still tired, damnit.

      Once I walked down the halls, I heard strange muffling noises. I was concerned, checking through the doors to hear if it was coming through them. Of course, I didn't want to interrupt anyone so it was best not to intrude inside their room. Once I got towards the culprit door, I realized it was Lenny's. "Lenny. . ?" I spoke out. No response, just muffles.
      I had no choice to just open the door, leaving me seeing something I shouldn't have, "L-Lenny-?!"

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