Y/n: Bay-Bay Now...See you later

I walk downstairs

Queen Bouncelia: bay Y/N Be careful- [Shut I'm mout]

I stop walk

Y/n: What was that?

Queen Bouncelia: Nothing!

Y/n: Oh! Ok! Bay

Start walking again Down downstairs

Queen Bouncelia(mine:(Sigh) You almost said To her If She did hear me she asks me why!)

Queen Bouncelia: I can't tell hope she don't find out if you do who knows....I... Hope she don't find out what's going on she was going for a long time....


🥀✨️~Time skip~✨️🥀

I was walking around Of the kingdom Looking for all of my friends Dearer could be so surprised i'm back!

Y/n: Mm Who should I go see first?

Y/n: (Gasp!) I know who will be happy to see me! Bittergiggle!! I think he's gonna be really happy to see me. He might give me a hug but I don't mind

I walked to Bittergiggle room......

You and Bittergiggle big close friends Queen Bouncelia Introduce to me to Bittergiggle After I say goodbye to my friends and Bittergiggle I went inside the Elevator I went down years later I come back I think he'd be really happy!!

🥀✨️~Time skip~✨️🥀

Bittergiggle P°O°V

I was looking for Bittergiggle Room It's been a while I really see him I think I remember where it's his room

Bittergiggle: (Sigh) Mm... What joke should I say

Bittergiggle: Mm Maybe I can tell a joke to sheriff Partner-N-No Sheriff With them....

Bittergiggle: . . .

Bittergiggle: (Sigh) It's kind of weird no one wants to hear my jokes a while

Bittergiggle: OH! Maybe I can tell a joke KittySaurus-!N-No She might sleeping now....

Bittergiggle: Who am I gonna Tell my jokes too. No-one I want to hear my jokes. They won't laugh anyways They wanted to hear my jokes Always

Bittergiggle: . . .

(Knock knock)

Bittergiggle: huh? Who Be at my door nobody likes me but I guess I can answer it...

Bittergiggle: Who is it?

Y/n: Bittergiggle It's Me You're Old pal Y/N!

Bittergiggle (Mine: That voice No way it can't be... She left years ago before all this horrors)

(Open the door)

I opened the door my eyed wired

Bittergiggle: ...

Y/n: IH! Bittergiggle

Bittergiggle: Y-Y/N? Is that really you??

Y/n: Yes it's me

I start crying with happy tears

Bittergiggle: . . .

Y/n: Mm Bittergiggle? Are you whole Ok-?

Bittergiggle Hug you

(Hug) Bittergiggle: Y/N! I'M SO GLAD YOUR HEREEEEE!

(Hug back) Y/n: Ok ok Calm down Bittergiggle I'm happy too Be back here...

You war Gat a Little comfortable By Bittergiggle Hugs you

(Comfortable hug) Y/n: um Bittergiggle?

(Hug) Bittergiggle: Yeah Y/n?

(Comfortable hug) You're hugging me really tight. It's getting me on the cumberball and you let me go? Please...?

(Hug) Bittergiggle: OH! Yeah! Sure I can stop hugging you!

He stopped hugging you and he let you go...

(he Stop hugging Let go you)

Bittergiggle: Sorry Y/n...About that...I didn't know where it was going and I had to hug you...huhe

Y/n: It's fine...

Bittergiggle Smiled

Y/n: So...How are you doing Bittergiggle...

Bittergiggle: I'm good....

Bittergiggle: What about you

Y/n: I'm doing all right...Bittergiggle

Bittergiggle: Good

Y/n: So...What are you up to...

Bittergiggle: Will I was...Is working on some jokes and mine...

Y/n: (Gasp!) Oh really can I hear it?

my eyes wired

bittergiggle: You? I want to hear my Joke-? I mean....!! Yes you can hear my jokes!

Y/n: Ok! Let's hear it!

(Tell Joke to Y/n) Bittergiggle: What do you call a turkey have no egg?

(Giggle) Y/n: I don't know what?

(Tell Joke to Y/n) Bittergiggle: Hunk on I have no lucks at a while Hehe!! (Mine: I hope Y/n Like it and don't Hate it... Please please)

When he told you the joke You kind of giggle and though you start laughing

(Giggling) Y/n: Ptttggg

Bittergiggle: huh?

(Laughing) Y/n: *Laughing*

My eye wide, I was kinda happy and no one was laughing at my jokes awhile She was only one laugh my jokes

Bittergiggle: huh?

Y/n: (Sigh) Heh...That was really funny Joke!

Bittergiggle: Yeah really a funny joke huha

Y/n: You always have the funniest jokes!

Bittergiggle: Y...You...

Bittergiggle: You like my jokes-? I mean Yeah my jokes are pretty funny!

Y/n: Are you okay?

Bittergiggle: N...Nothing!

Y/n: Are you sure?

Bittergiggle: I'm sure...

Y/n: Ok

Y/n: Remember! I'm your best friend I'll be always here for you!

Bittergiggle: o‐Ok

Y/n: Always i'm gonna Go Now!.. I'm gonna see my Childhood Best friend!! mine

Bittergiggle: Wait then who be that th-?

Y/n: Okay i'm going to go now bye!

You run off Gonna see Sheriff toaster Reunions And you want to meet Ms.Mother She must be really nice you hope He was not one of the scientists should could not be...


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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