Chapter Eighteen

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"She hates me." Lizzie frowns, taking my hand as she steps out of the car in front of my parents' house. Tonight is my father's 60th birthday party, and even more special, it's the first time I'll be able to take Lizzie out in public. Until a few days ago, we've kept our entire relationship hidden. The sneaking around was fun at first, but I can't fucking wait to proudly parade her around this party and let everyone in here know that she's mine.

Especially my parents.

"Babe, my mom hates everyone." I roll my eyes. Marlena Hale is a tough woman to please, and despite what Lizzie thinks, it's nothing personal.

It took a lot of convincing to get her to come with me tonight, and while part of me gets it, I've never known Lizzie to lack confidence and that's one of the things I love most about her.

"So you agree that she hates me?"

"Lizzie," I know she's upset, so I try my best not to laugh. Putting my hands on either side of her, I pin her back against the car. "My mom could find something wrong with God himself. I didn't bring you here for any kind of approval or validation. You're here because I am so fucking in love with you, and I can't stand the thought of lying about that for another second."

I twist my fingers in her hair, holding the back of her head as I give her a hungry kiss. My hand rests on her ass, that sinfully flawless body pressed tightly to mine.

"Jax..." Lizzie whines. "What if she's watching?"

"Let her." I growl. "I don't give a damn what she thinks. You're everything beautiful and sweet and light about this world, which makes you everything that she isn't."

I'd be lying if I said that the fact that Lizzie is so unbelievably different from my mother wasn't one of the things that attracted me to her. I knew early on that if I ever settled down, it would be with a woman who was her opposite in every way. Someone kind and warm and who was capable of feeling any kind of emotion that wasn't self serving.

I know my mom is the way she is for a reason. You don't climb to the top of the organized crime food chain without being a bit distrusting and calculated. But I never want to be that way, and Lizzie doesn't just bring out the better side of me, she nurtures and encourages it. She's the only person who has ever seen me as more than the future Hale family heir, and she loves me in spite of all that entails.

"I love you, Elisabeth. And trust me, my mom's opinion is certainly not going to change that."

Lizzie tilts her head, and gives me the kind of smile that makes me want to forget all of this and take her home. "I love you, too."

"Let's go inside. If it's unbearable, we'll leave."

Content with that promise, Lizzie takes my hand as I pass my keys off to the valet and we head in.

As luck would have it, my mother is the first person we run into once inside.

"Just let me handle this, okay?"

"Hi Ma." I grin, sweeping her into a hug. "Good to see you!"

"Jackson, we talked about this." Her brow knits together. "I told you we didn't need any entertainment from the club tonight. This is a classy party. I don't want any of your harlots prancing around."

"Jesus, mom." I take my fingers through my hair. She's really going right for the throat right off the bat, huh? "Lizzie isn't here to dance. She's here with me."

"What do you mean with you?" She snips.

"I mean she's my girlfriend. And she's here as my date." It feels good to finally say it out loud, but I can tell my mother doesn't share the sentiment.

"Your what?"

"Girlfriend." I repeat. "You know, as in the girl I love? The one that I'm sleeping—"

Lizzie blushes as my mom raises her hand, abruptly cutting me off. "I get the picture. I don't have time to give this the appropriate attention tonight, so please just try to behave."

My mom disappears in a whirlwind and I turn to Lizzie with a grin.

"That was what you call handling it?"

I chuckle. "You've just got to know what to say to her. Now she'll avoid us all night."


"Hello." I smile meekly. "How can I help you?"

"Hello Mrs. Mason." Bruno smiles wickedly, flanked by two towering bodyguards. "I don't believe we've met, but we both know of each other, no?"

"We do." I suck in a sharp breath. "Can I get you anything? Coffee? A cupcake?"

My knees quiver as he steps toward me, baseball bat dragging along the ground next to him. "I appreciate the offer, but I don't really have time for niceties. I hear you went to visit my guy. He says you want to defend him."

"Right." I nod. "I do."

"That's very noble of you." Bruno walks along my display case, glancing at the pastries inside. "But you know what? Your visit to him got me thinking.... Why would the ex-wife of his victim's brother want to get involved?"

"I don't think that Arias killed Emily Hale, and I want to help you—"

"He did." Bruno snaps. "Steven Arias killed the Hale girl and he's going to serve his time for it."

I check the inside of my cheek, too nervous to speak.

"You need to stay out of it. Don't go digging up things you can't handle the answers, too.I know you'll be a good little girl, and do what I ask, right?"

When I don't answer immediately, he turns to his men. "I think she needs a little reminder, don't you?"

"No, I'm sorry, I'll..."

Before the words are out of my mouth, he brings the bat up and slams it against one of the bowls on the counter, shattering glass in every direction. One of his men grabs me, forcing me onto the counter and gripping my arm so tight that it feels like it's always going numb.

I have no idea what's coming next? Are they going to assault me? Kill me?

"Please. You don't need to do this." I beg, tears welling in my eyes.

Bruno ignores my pleas and bends down, picking up a long shard of glass. The other men hold me tightly in place as he drags it across my arm, sliding into the skin.

"Ah!" I cry out, as crimson blood seeps from the wound.

Bruno steps back to admire his work and smirks at me. "Keep your mouth shut and stay away from Arias."

They finally let go and I fall to the ground, holding onto to my bloody arm. Before he leaves, Bruno kneels in front of me.

"This is a nice shop you have here. Nice little family you've got." He praises. "Get back to baking cakes, Elisabeth. I'd hate to have to come mess all of this up for you."

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