Black & White Part 2 Chapter 3 - The World That Ended

Start from the beginning

Gretel acknowledged this, walking to the edge of the mountain and looking across the region, seeing a small city just beyond the horizon. I met with her smiling. "Seems the old scientist wasn't too far off, Ecruteak City, the home to Ho-Oh."

"It's beautiful."

I took it in for a moment, nodding. "Yeah, suppose it is." Placing my hands in my pocket, I began to climb down the mountain. "Come on; we don't have time to waste; we've got just two days to find and capture Ho-Oh before anyone else does."

"Anyone else?"

"The City is mostly abandoned, and most of Johto's population fled to the Indigo League in hopes that the region's Champion and Elite Four could save them. Not that it did them any good; the Pokemon League was the first place to fall during the collapse. It doesn't mean we won't have competition; I'm more than certain the concept of Ho-Oh will be enough to bring in people from every region with hopes of saving their Pokemon."

"O-Oh," Gretel whispered, now feeling a little less motivated. "And we're just going to steal that chance from them?"

I stopped in my tracks, seeing the slight hesitation in Gretel's eyes; in that instant, I approached her with a frustrated glare. "Look at me, I said, look at me!" I pinned Gretel to the cliffside, pointing at her. "Those people are not our problem; they are trying to stop the inevitable; no matter what, their Pokemon are doomed. They don't care about you or Y/N, nor should you care about them. We are all in the same boat; we're taking Ho-Oh for our selfish gains. We're not heroes; we're not noble trainers who help those in need or make stupid sacrifices. You and I are survivors, winners; we take what we want when we want it."

"That's villain talk."

"Maybe it is," I whisper, pressing my arm tighter against Gretel before pointing to myself and her. "Team Rainbow Rocket, Team Plasma. Both of us were manipulated and used by the leader of the respected group. We're both villains in many eyes and for once, acting like one will benefit us. Don't get soft; otherwise, kiss your chance to save Y/N goodbye."

I let her go, and she winced, looking at me with frustration. "I know... I just... it's not fair."

"Welcome to the real world, next stop, disappointment."


We made it to Ecurteak City just close to sunset. The entrance to the City was poorly fortified, with barriers covering the main path and wooden fences piled up alongside anything else they could use to keep people out. Alongside that was a sign with a crude warning.

No survivors are welcomed; trespassers will be dealt with.

I stared at the sign for a little longer before just shrugging. "Come on." I began to climb over the barrier, reaching the top; Gretel wasn't far behind as we both jumped down into the City. It was as deserted as expected; none of the buildings had their lights on, and rubbish and glass were scattered everywhere, evident signs of riots. Many of the buildings had collapsed with marks all over them.

I recognised many of the logos; I saw Team Galatic, Magma, Flare and Break. It seems they were all here for the same reason; whether or not they survived the battle is of no importance to me. "This is horrible..."

"Considering how badly Galar fell, this looks quite tame. We can't rely on the locals to help us locate Ho-Oh here; we're on our own. Our first place should be the Burned Tower."

Gretel nodded. "That's where Ho-Oh resurrected the legendary Dogs; Anthea and Concordia would tell me many stories about legendary Pokemon before I went to bed as a child."

"Correct, it's worth a shot; it might give us the best clue on how to locate or summon Ho-Oh."

"So you're not sure yourself?"

"I am not," I stated, glancing at Gretel. "This might be a huge waste of time, but this is our best shot at doing anything. And so, we must try."

Face to face with the Burned Tower, I looked up at it, gave it a moment, and shook my head before walking in. Opening my radar, I got the information saved on the tower ready, and I looked down to the chasm below. "It was said that this Tower was built 700 years ago as a sister tower to the Bell Tower. The two towers were meant to foster friendship between people and Pokémon. The idea for most was to be a chance to speak to the Legendary Pokemon that reside here."


"Not quite; this tower was said to be home to the Legendary Pokemon Lugia for a time. This tower burned down in a mysterious fire 150 years ago, and Lugia was said to have fled, residing in the Whirl Islands from then on. Three unknown Pokemon perished during the blaze."

"Which Ho-Oh resurrected, Raikou, Entei, and Suicune." Gretel finished nodding along. "But what did Ho-Oh do afterwards?"

"Ho-Oh flew away searching for a Train with a pure heart." We both turned around as Gretel flinched, stepping back dazed as a green-haired boy walked in, inspecting us both with a dry smile. "It was my favourite story as a child. I would read it over and over, and the idea of Pokemon being so kind and respectful always stuck with me; while we use Pokemon for our own gains, fighting and growing, they simply wished to live and help each other where they could. If only more people could be like Ho-Oh."

I could see Gretel was disgusted by his appearance. It took me a moment to recognise him. The torn clothes and dampened look were enough to throw me off, but I still wanted to confirm it. "Who are you?"

He didn't respond, instead looking to Mimi, slightly taken back. "Your Pokémon... Just now, it was saying..."

I looked at Mimi, confused. "You mean talking?"

"Yes, they're talking. Oh. Then, you two can't hear it, either... How sad. My name is N." He bestowed, moving his torn cape away. "I had once envisioned a world where Pokemon are happy, free from the shackles of Pokeballs and Trainers. I had almost reached that future; it was within my grasp." N gripped his fist tightly, his hand trembling, his eye twitching. "But it was stolen from me! All the Pokemon were taken from us, a fate most disgusting and unjust. What did they do to deserve this? Was it out of our self-destructive means or something more? You two have come for Ho-Oh's blessing, too?"

Gretel was about to speak up when I cut her off on guard. "We have."

"A pity, I am sorry to say, but Ho-Oh will be under the control of Team Plasma when it reveals itself. With Ho-Oh's power, we will bring back all Pokemon, and then people will realise what Pokemon truly mean and their beauty, and then, and only then, will they be free."

"Are you done with your sob story? Bring back all Pokemon; give me a break. Do you honestly think something like that is possible?"

"I have to. I have to change the world for Pokemon because they're my friends." N said with such confidence, looking at us both. "I knew you two would arrive; Father spoke of trainers from beyond the stars."


"When the trainers from beyond the stars arrive, so too will be the end of the world," N informed, stepping back. I had never expected it to be the case, but here you two are as clear as day. We've lost too much; you will not take any more from me."

The ground began to shake as we looked up from the opening of the Burned Tower, and a dark shadow towered over us. I bit my lip, frustrated. "Damn it..."

A floating frigate began to hover over the city; I had heard stories of this; it was Team Plasma's floating base—the Plasma Frigate.

N held a single cracked Poke Ball by his side, directing his gaze toward me. "What I desire is a world for Pokémon and Pokémon alone. I will separate Pokémon from people so Pokémon can regain their original power."

"Now, I will create the future I desire! I shall sweep you before me!"

Plasma King N Wants to Battle...

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