Duel Partners

12 1 0

November, 1942

As the gentle morning sun graced the 5th-year girls' dorm, the round room bloomed with a serene green glow, filling the space with calm and joy.

Grace groggily emerged from the depths of sleep, her mind still tethered to the realm of dreams. The weight of exhaustion pressed against her eyelids as she reluctantly stirred, the residue of a late-night study session clinging to her senses.

Each movement felt like a laborious journey as she navigated the transition from slumber to wakefulness, her body yearning for the comfort of her bed.

Slipping into the crisp attire, she straightened her collar with a sense of purpose, embracing the routine of the day ahead.

Sitting before the mirror, Grace meticulously brushed her chestnut locks, coaxing them into a semblance of order. Each stroke of the brush served as a gentle awakening, the rhythmic motion soothing her weary spirit. As she gazed into her reflection, she contemplated the day ahead, finding solace in the familiar rituals of preparation.

With steady hands, Grace delicately applied her makeup, adhering to the understated elegance of the 1940s era. A swipe of rouge to her cheeks added a hint of color, while her lips embraced a subtle shade of crimson, evoking a timeless sophistication.

When she finally felt ready, Grace hastily grabbed her bookbag, along with a stack of parchment and quills, stuffing them into her bag with a sense of urgency. Making her way up to the common room, her heart raced, and she nearly tripped on the stairs, feeling the heat rush to her cheeks.

Checking behind her to see if anyone noticed, she caught sight of a tall figure smirking at her.

"Watch your footing, Berkshire," he commented, his tone laced with amusement.

"Sod off, Malfoy," she snapped, her irritation bubbling just beneath the surface, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a glance back as she quickened her pace.

Unfortunately, Abraxas was tall and quick, easily matching her stride. "So mean," he tisked. "You know, winter break is coming up."

"Really, I hadn't noticed!" she retorted, her surprise tinged with frustration and sarcasm.

He didn't say much after that, leaving Grace to stew in her annoyance as she finally turned to look at him, taking in his perfectly styled silver-blonde hair and the Slytherin emblem proudly displayed on his robes.

"Yes, and I've been thinking. Is Clara seeing anyone new?" His smooth voice betrayed a keen interest in her roommate.

Grace sighed in annoyance, feeling the weight of Abraxas's persistent inquiries about Clara's love life since their breakup. "No, Malfoy, she's not. And you were a total jerk to her," Grace snapped, her frustration evident as she finally entered the main common room.

The room mirrored her dorm, bathed in a soft green light from the lake outside, its beauty captivating. The stained glass depicted scenes of underwater life, casting a serene atmosphere throughout the space. With the fireplaces yet to be lit, a chill lingered, prompting Grace to clutch her robes tighter around herself.

Students lounged in front of the ornate fireplaces, engrossed in reading or engaged in quiet conversations. It was a peaceful scene, one that momentarily eased Grace's tension.

Finally exhaling a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, Grace sought solace in the tranquility of the room.

But Abraxas couldn't resist a final jab. "Well, that's just my nature. Can't help the fact that girls are falling at my feet," he remarked, his arrogance grating on Grace's nerves.

DEVIL WITHINOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora