Cris was reading the article sent by Federico with a raised eyebrow, lips turning to a grin progressively before a chuckle rumbled up from his throat.

- " Fuckin hell... " He shook his head, " Well.. they've got a name, now. They'll get off our asses sooner than I thought. "

- " Yeah... Fredo is making a whole scene out of it, though.. " Paulo said, wearily. " He thinks I gave out his name to the fuckin press to cover for myself.. "

Cris slid an arm around the boy's back, staring up at him.
- " Is he giving you a hard time, baby? "

Still sitting on the armrest of Cris' couch, Paulo moved his legs so they're over the man's knees.

- " I'm used to his bickering.. But he sounded pretty serious, this time. I think he's just jealous, Cris.. He's always believed he's overshadowed by me, and now by us.. " Paulo sighed, " Which is sad.. But he's pushing it too far.. He wants me to admit it was me just out of spite.. And if I don't I think he'll just go ahead and talk to the coach. "

- " Mhm.. " Cris had been listening attentively, hands still rubbing at Paulo's back, " Don't worry about it, baby. " He finally spoke, softly. " I got you into this mess, it's on me... I'll sort it out with Federico and the coach.. "

- " How? "

- " Well I know where Federico lives, I'll send one of my guys to break some of his windows, that'd do as a first message "

- " Cris! " The boy giggled, poking him the shoulder.

- " .. I'll just talk to them, baby. "  His fond eyes met the boy's as he went massaging his legs, thrown over his lap. " What I need from you now is to focus on these, Paulino. I need my gem back on the pitch by my side "

Paulo's face lit up with a vivid, radiant smile, he nodded before leaning in to peck the man's cheek.


The next day didn't seem to bear traces of the past few days' drama. Everyone was back at training, bright sun shining above them as the sounds of their laughs and joyous yells filled the warm air.

" Woohooo!! " " Vamoooosss! "

The whole team went cheering and clapping for Paulo as he scored, and he couldn't miss the hints of a residual pity for what happened to him in the previous match, with the unfortunate ankle injury, yet he didn't care much. He was glad to be back.

- “Incredible job, Paulo!”

Cris pulled him into what was intended to be a casual hug, but Paulo couldn't resist jumping into his arms. The man picked him up instinctively, spinning him around, and Paulo yelped happily, arms wrapped around the man's neck for support.

“...Incredible. " Cris repeated breathlessly as he placed his boy down, proudly ruffling his hair. Paulo gave him a small, meaningful smile:

-“ Gracias, Cris. "

The man winked and leaned in to his ear, his hot breath making Paulo's skin prickle from head to toe:
“Meet me in the showers once everyone is gone.”
He gripped the boy’s slender shoulder, giving it a commanding squeeze before walking away. Paulo licked his own lips as he gazed longingly after the man's sculpted form, practically undressing him with his eyes..


Paulo ventured into the locker room that was starting to empty, a few teammates were still there, gathering their belongings. He was met with a few how are you's and 'how's your ankle' s... then some chit-chats about this night's planned dinner, in honor of the coach's birthday, hit his ears.

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