6. Early Dawnlight

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    Eva was the first to notice me, giving a light wave followed by Izzy flailing her arms in the air the moment she saw me. It was embarrassing, but I appreciate Izzys enthusiasm. Cody noticed me before I noticed him, with wide eyes. He looked really shocked, and I wondered why. Maybe he's just trying to forget about yesterday.

    Owen greeted me with a tight hug the moment I approached him. It suffocated me half to death, but I'm used to it at this point, he really is just one big, friendly bear. He doesn't mean to be aggressive when he's excited.

    "Hey, Noah! I got you a coffee," Cody said, handing me a bottled coffee of the same flavor I ordered with him and Sierra yesterday. It was a dark caramel mocha of the same brand, bottled in glass. "This is what you got yesterday, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, I just saw it at a gas station and thought I'd... yeah."

    "Wow, I didn't know they sold these," I replied, "Thanks."

    "Cody! Don't forget that you have something to ask Noah, remember?" Owen whispered —very loudly— to Cody. In fact, I don't even think he is able to whisper, he's Owen, after all. He doesn't know how to keep a secret, either.

    "Wha— You told Owen?" Cody exclaimed, looking back at Izzy.

    She snorted and laughed, "Don't worry, I didn't tell him anything, I know he's a chatterbox." He seemed awfully anxious. What could he need to ask? Oh, shit, maybe the coffee was for an act of bribery. Him and the others turned to a circle, talking quietly. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for Cody to turn back around after their faint mumbling session.

    "Look, just— I want to ask him alone, could you guys just... give me— us, a moment?" He said, nervously. Without complaint, all the others walked off, which left us two alone. I was incredibly confused; what could he want? I could only assume that he wanted something regarding Sierra and I.

    "What is it?" I asked.

    "Noah, I was just wondering if you, uh—wanna come over to my place after school?" He asked, or rather muttered; god, I thought this was something serious.

    "... You shoo'd the others away just for that?" I replied.

    "Well, I didn't want them hearing because I want it to be just us," He paused, "because I had a lot of fun on Monday, and I was just wondering if you wanted to do it again, but it's okay! You don't have to anyway." He still sounded like himself, just a lot more... anxious. Something else must be on his mind.

    I shrugged and replied, "Yeah, sure. Is that why you gave me this coffee? To bribe me?"

    "Of course not!" He exclaimed, "I just really like you, you're super cool! And I just happened to see it," he explained. I was flattered, but still worried, really. I don't like seeing him so anxious, but maybe he didn't get much sleep. He fidgeted with his hands, examining my skeptical face with a look giving off a "please, please respond to me" feel.

    "Damn, well thanks," I paused, before asking, "and are you sure that you're... okay?"

    "Me? Pshh, of course!" He said, feeling alarmed by the question. "I... uh— We should meet with the others now." I could tell that he was lying. His face was glowing red, and I became more worried. He honestly looks worse than he did yesterday.

    "Alright. Hey, where's Sierra?" I brought up, as we walked over to the others.

    He perked up and said, "Oh, she's out sick today. I hope she's doing alright."

    "Sierra? Are we thinking about the same person?" Izzy said, intrigued by our conversation.

    "Probably not. She's a new kid here," Cody answered.

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