How the transformations are earned by the Winx

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Base, Charmix, Believeix, Harmonix, Sirenix(mostly), Mythix, and Faunix are the same as canon.


Aisha: saving her aunt by dying in the process

Stella: Saving her father but burning out her magical core(once the magical core is gone a fairy is essentially dead)

Musa: dies when saving Galatea

Flora: Saves sister from drowning in poisoned water

Tecna: Saving one of the winx from a deadly dragon

Bloom: ..... let's just say she dies in front of her boyfriend and leave the cause of death as a mystery until we get to that part(I don't have a solid idea yet so if someone has an idea feel free to dm me about it here on wattpad)


Bloom: Given to her by her father after proving herself worthy(it's essentially a suicide mission because of how dangerous the task is)


Flora: saving her sister and nature at the same time

Stella: confronting her parents about how their fighting affects her

Aisha: Finally forgiving her mother(the abuse wasn't physical, it was more so neglect/mental)

Musa: Standing up to her father about her love for music

Tecna: helping Daphne overcome her insecurities about being human again

Bloom: passes a test(won't say as it's spoilers but it does take some aspects from the canon one)


Bloom: I need ideas so again feel free to dm me about it on wattpad

Stella: defeating a hellhound without a celestial bronze weapon

Aisha: Stopping a cyclops all by herself

Flora: stopping a whole cabin from collapsing

Musa: holding of the Chimera by herself long enough for Bloom to kill it

Tecna: I need ideas so again feel free to dm me about it on wattpad

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