Call the Doctor

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Earth kicked and screamed, he wasn't going down without a fight. Venus tried to drown Earth out, muttering "Shut up shut up shut up..." under his breath like a mantra — it's less of a demand and more of a plea. But it's hard to ignore a desperate planet when he's screaming straight into your ear.

Venus tried his best holding on to him, barely able to keep his balance as he swayed along with each erratic jerk. He just wanted to get this over with. And it's not helping that Mars was shouting at him too, telling him to "Keep him still!"

— Yeah, like that was easy!

Mars had chosen Venus to hold Earth down for a reason. Because between the two of them, he was the one who came close to Earth in terms of their gravitational pull. Mars was far too small, and his gravity far too weak compared to Earth and Venus'. They knew that if he tried, Earth would've broken out almost immediately without a struggle.

But even then, Earth was stronger than Venus, even if it was just by a bit. Venus was the only one who could go toe to toe with Earth, but that was it. He could stall, could put up a fight — but the scales were always going to tip in the same direction. Earth was bound to beat him in a game of brute strength. Venus was just holding onto a rope that's breaking strand by strand.

Venus shouted back (barely breaking past Earth's voice), because he knew this. And Mars should also know that Venus was trying very hard, thank you very much.

"Try adjusting your arms maybe!" Mars said, like he had room to talk.

"How about you get over here and hold him instead? Wait. YOU CAN'T!"


"OH, EAT MY SHORTS, WHY DON'T YOU!" Venus growled, he took a challenging step forward—

and snap— There went the last thread of Venus' metaphorical rope and he realized he's messed up. For a split second Venus had attempted to unfurl an arm to make angry gestures at Mars, briefly forgetting about Earth till he felt his weight slip from his grasp. Shit.

Venus hurriedly stepped after him, stomping a foot forward and leaning over to hook his arms around his waist to hoist him up.—


Venus stopped like he saw death's feet in front of his. The asteroid had whizzed by Venus, leaving debris in its wake, barely missing his head.

He cursed and flinched in a late reaction, his arms instinctively letting go of Earth in favor of getting away from a danger that's already passed. The blue planet soundlessly stumbled forward.

Venus was dumbfounded for a moment, his pulse running wild after narrowly escaping getting hit, hand hovering where the asteroid had almost grazed his surface right off. His insides quivered. There's a funny, loopy feeling as he came to terms with how close of a call that was.

Had he not stopped... if Venus had leaned forward just a bit more

Steady inhale, shaky exhale.

Big, round eyes dragged themselves slowly from the vast expanse of space, over to Earth's body, and they widened a fraction more.

His lips part. Earth, He wanted to call out, but his body wasn't cooperating with him.

A loud shriek then pierced the space surrounding them, startling Venus out of the fog in his mind. His jaw snapped shut and his shoulders tensed — because what the hell was that?! He looked around in alarm, expecting some creature to pop up from the shadows (he especially eyed the asteroid belt).

Except nothing happened, and the core-rattling screams continued.

Then he realized— Earth was wailing.

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