Chapter 3

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Yuri was tucking off the dust on his clothes and his head turned upwards then saw.. Ender. Of course the foe between them made him frown.

"Out of everyone, I see you." He mumbled underneath his breath. "Now where the hell am I? Why am I here? " He asked with such bitter in his tone.

Ender blinked a few times before replying in so much confusion "I should be the one asking you that. Why the hell are you here?" She had so many questions. Just earlier, her and Beren were just talking about Yuri and now he's suddenly here. This is definitely a coincidence.

"I dont know." Yuri answered casually with a shrug and he rubbed the side of his head. He was a bit dizzy and she noticed.

She frowned and raised an eyebrow "What do you mean you don't know?" She examined him up and down. He looked down and sighed when he saw a bottle and now remembered.

"Tsk." He said angrily and picked it up which was.. Vodka. "Those guys..." Yuri muttered and she heard it. She didn't know what he really meant but she had a feeling something bad happened

"Who?" She asked again, wanting him to explain thoroughly.

"My friends forced me to drink with them at a bar, the next thing I knew I was walking up to the docks and now I'm here." Yuri said quickly and he smirked with his hands raised up. "Happy?"

She paused, not expecting that. She shook her head and chuckled a little "Okay.. You're saying that you have friends?" She placed a hand on her hip.

"There's a lot you don't know about me." He scowled and his eyes darted to the other direction as his lands lowered back to his sides.

"Whatever." She hesitated for a short moment and then added "So you're saying, you got drunk and walked up here, in this ship?" She said, assuming that's what actually happened and when he nodded in agreement, she really is right.

Ender sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. She was frustrated and wanted him off this ship. She really didn't expect  of this to happen. All she wanted was a time to have a long and peaceful journey with her friends and this is what she gets from the world.

She thinked about it and sighed. Her hand  hovering half of her face while she glared at him. "Okay let's have a talk with this.. Problem now that you're here." She said gesturing him to follow.

Ender started to walk when she heard a loud thud from behind and saw Yuri with his entire body on the floor. "Ow." He mumbled in a late reaction. The bottle just rolling to the side.

She just glared at him like she really didn't want to do this at all. She walked up to him. "I have no time to deal nonsense with you—" Yuri cuts her off. "My body hurts."

Ender paused and tilted her head. "Literally." He said like he wasn't kidding at all. Meanwhile, she just feels like he's being a stubborn guy. She turned around and crouched down to him. She then figured that she gently placed a hand on his forehead which made Yuri yelp a little in suprise. "Fever." She said and rolled her eyes then moved her hand on her kneecaps.

"Can you stand up again?" She asked, obviously she couldn't help him up judging at his weight and height. Yuri thinked for a moment and glanced away and then lifted his body up with his hands on the floor and his knees. For some reason, his waist hurted a lot and so is his thighs. He frowned and then immediately stood up as the ship swayed with the waves, it made Yuri stumble forward a bit and Ender then grabbed onto his shoulders.

"Wait wait wait wait—" He repeated and winced in pain as he rubbed his thighs. He really didn't remember much last day in the afternoon.

"Do note, I'm not helping you." She said in a deep and threatening voice.

"Of course." He said with a trembling tone between in his voice. "I can totally tell."

She then forced him to wrap his arm around her neck despite her height. He swiftly looked at her in suprise again, didn't really expect that. He was about to say something when she spoke over him.

"This is a return when you helped me with a sprained ankle." She averted her eyes from his.

Yuri blinked a few times before smirking.


Just a week ago, Ender was picking up some apples and cherries because she wanted to give those to her friends when suddenly the chair she was just standing on was out of balance and she fell down.

Yuri was just walking around the forest just to explore since he hasn't done that in a while when suddenly in a timing, he saw Ender fell down. Instead of running up to help her, of course, he didn't care and just walked down the small hill and ignored her.

She also ignored him and just focused on her ankle. She muttered a word repeatedly and she blenched in so much pain. She leaned back onto a tree and tried to hold onto it for support in order to stand up. Her hand slipped and out of nowhere, a hand wrapped around her waist and she didn't recognize it since it was large and when she swiftly turned her head seeing Yuri with a death stare into her soul.

He then made her wrap her arm around his neck, bending down a bit. He also wrapped his arm underneath her legs, now lifting her up in a bridal style. Now he started to walk, not saying anything.

Ender didn't know what the hell was happening but she knew that this was something new that Yuri has never done. He holding her firmly and close, not letting her fall.

She blushed a bit and decided not to say anything. It felt so awkward after that. Thats when Yuri started on avoiding contact with Ender.


"Yuri's here?!" Yuii yelled and stood up from her seat. Yuri was still with Ender, the two awkwardly standing on the doorway in the Captain's deck room. Ender then pulled him to walk, making him sit down on a chair nearby. Yuri winced when he did. He gripped onto her arm and she blushed for a second but immediately shook her head.

"It's a long story I'll tell you tha—"

"And you're helping him?!" Yuii's voice raised even more. She was astonished by this right now and couldn't believe her eyes. Yuri lets go of Ender's arm then held onto the chair.

"I'm not. I'm just.. Assisting him." Ender corrected her in a confident way. Yuri and Yuii looked at her in disbelief. Despite her stupidity, she then gently caressed his neck and pulled away. "What should we do with this sick guy? Because literally he has a fever." She added.

Yuii sighed and looked at him before glancing back at Ender "Before we do something with him," Yuri's eyes widened when she said that. "I'll call Aiko, William and a medic." She said began on walking and patted Ender on the shoulder then left.

Ender looked down at Yuri who was breathing heavily and he looked so drowsy. She gave him a dirty look and gently patted him on the head. "I still can't believe you're here." She softly said but he could tell she was mentally furious.

He sighed and tried not to fall asleep. He lets out a small laugh and was about to lean onto Ender but stopped himself because she might hate it which she absolutely will. "Bad timing huh?"


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