Chapter 2 - Start Of The Date

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It had been a few days since Kirishima went to that ice cream parlor. He and Katsuki had been texting almost every day since, finding out more and more about each other. Like how Katsuki's favorite color is orange and how Kirishima's hair isn't red. They had also been talking about a date between the two of them. They were planning to go to a sushi restaurant since they both love sushi.

The day of the date, Kat was struggling to find an outfit. He was stuck between a crop top and jeans and a dress with leggings. He hummed as he figured out his outfit. Kirishima had chosen a t-shirt with the Crimson Riot's logo on it. He had been a famous actor that he liked. He also put on some black sweat pants. Kat decided on the crop top and jeans since it was more modest for a male. Or so, he thought.

Kirishima picked him up at his house, he was standing outside the door, kind of nervous. It had been one of his first dates with a guy, he had thought he was straight. Kat walked out, his hand in his pocket and the other shutting the door behind him "hey." He said softly with a slight smile. "Hey," Kirishima repeated, offering his hand which Kat gladly took. Kiri walked him to his car and opened the door for him. Kat got into the car and thanked him quietly. Kiri shut the door and got in on the driver's side, starting the car.

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