Chapter 16: Workplace Visit

Start from the beginning

Daniel: yeah you look stressed.

Tom: yeah, I'm a little stressed but I'll be okay.

Andrea: it'll be okay Tom, things are awesome here so if you'd like to just chill in your office for most of the night or even just go home, you can.

Michael: yeah, we understand and we'll keep shit going here for tonight.

Tom: thanks guys and I do appreciate it but I think I'll stay here for the rest of the night.

Daniel: okay, well you let us know if you change your mind yeah ?

Tom: I will

Tom went back into his office as the show began to start when the first group of people were being let in as the first band was getting ready to start the show.

The show was going well and Tom could tell that it was pretty loud out there but he wasn't complaining.

Then, as he was about to close his eyes, he heard a knock at the door.

Tom: who is it ?

He heard a knock at the door again.

Tom: seriously ?

He heard the knock again and he decided to just get up and walk over to the door and he put his hands on the door.

Tom: is it really that hard to say who......

Tom opened the door and he saw Priscilla stood there with a large coat on and a smile on her face.

Priscilla: there's my handsome baby.

Priscilla hugged and kissed Tom.

Tom: hi babe, not that I'm not happy to see you but what are you doing here ?

Priscilla: well I did say that you'd be seeing me sooner rather than later baby.

Tom: well you did, I just didn't think it'd be this soon.

Priscilla: well I could leave if you want.

Tom then grabbed Priscilla by her waist.

Tom: don't you dare leave just yet, you're the cutest thing I've seen all day.

Priscilla: (playful giggles) I was just joking baby... and thank you for the compliment too.

Priscilla put her arms around the back of Tom's neck and she kissed him on the lips and slipped her tongue in while doing so.

Priscilla: I missed you all day baby, and I wanted to see you... there's quite a show going on out there, are you needed out there at all ?

Tom: not just yet, I've welcomed everyone to the venue for the show and I won't need to show myself until the end of the show.

Priscilla: and when's that ?

Tom looked at his watch and he told Priscilla how long it is until the end of the show.

Tom: not for another hour why ?

Priscilla: oh I'm just asking... why don't you sit your cute butt down at your desk hmm ?

Tom: yeah okay.

While Tom sat down at his desk, he saw Priscilla had stole his office keys and she walked over to the door and locked it and threw the keys on the nearby couch.

Tom: where did you get them ?

Priscilla: I just grabbed them when you weren't looking.

Priscilla then sauntered over to Tom's desk and she got right she stood right in front of him and then she sat cross legged on his seat right in front of him and she was grazing her legs on the inside of his thighs.

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