Chapter 2 - Unexpected Connections:

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The university corridors bustled with students as Lee YN weaved her way through the crowd, her eyes scanning the faces around her with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. She had recently transferred to the university, hoping to start fresh and make new connections in this unfamiliar environment.

As she walked, her attention was caught by a lively girl named Betsy, whose infectious laughter echoed down the hallway. Betsy's warm smile drew Lee YN in, her bubbly demeanor a stark contrast to the cool facade Lee YN often wore to shield herself from the world.

Approaching Betsy tentatively, Lee YN introduced herself with a polite nod. "Hi, I'm Lee YN. I'm new here," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

Betsy's eyes lit up with genuine interest as she greeted Lee YN with enthusiasm. "Hey, Lee YN! I'm Betsy. Welcome to the university!" she exclaimed, her cheerful tone putting Lee YN at ease.

As they walked together through the bustling corridors, Betsy shared stories of her own experiences at the university, her words painting a vivid picture of the vibrant community they were now a part of. Despite her initial reservations, Lee YN found herself drawn to Betsy's warmth and authenticity, a glimmer of hope stirring within her as she began to envision a future filled with new friendships and possibilities.

And as they laughed and chatted together, Lee YN couldn't help but feel grateful for this unexpected connection, a ray of light illuminating the path ahead and guiding her towards a brighter tomorrow.

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