Sonic.Exe TD2DR: Carnage - Chapter 6 Its Just an Ilusión...

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~Knuckles POV~
Knuckles: Hm. Tails sent me a message. It's about Sonic. I hope he's ok. Knuckles lands in a place that looks an awful lot like scrap brain zone. Minus the walls. It's all just Red Foggy clouds
Knuckles: Well that's just great. No walls. Red foggy clouds. And a long straight runway. Seems like something out of a horror movie.
Knuckles begins walking The path. Fists into balls prepared to fight if anything. A couple seconds pass as he feels that someone is walking behind him but turns around sees no one. But when he looks down. Blood. Everywhere.
He begins running but after a few moments of running he blacks out.
He eventually wakes up.
Knuckles: that blood. It was Sonic? If this is Sonics doing. I need to find Tails!
Knuckles climbs a wall just to find a red ring
Knuckles: what the hell is this thing....?
Knuckles touch's the ring and instantly begins to sweat and panic. The world around him begins to flash colors as he runs. Knuckles: What the hell! No! It's not real!
Eventually through trial and error and being chased by a shadowy figure. Knuckles makes it into the building. As he walks he's stoped by two buttons
Knuckles: Two buttons... which one should I press? This feels... weird... like déjà vu... like. I did this before. I should just press the green button...
Knuckles the presses the green bottom which opens the next door. We walks through it to see a giant ring. It's not yellow. It's glitching between Blue and Red.
Knuckles: what the hell? That doesn't look safe... but it's my only way out of here

Sonic.Exe the disaster 2D remake: CarnageWhere stories live. Discover now