As much as you wanted to just confess your feelings for both of them, you told yourself that you'd wait until they gave you a signal that was more clear, wasn't mixed.

"Yeah." You clear your throat, "I did."

"Alright." Sam walks in, clothing draped over his arms and shoulders, "Here we are."

You turn and watch Sam as he lays each item out on the bed from the pile he made from throwing them down.

You walk over, "Okay." You pick up a t shirt and look over it, "That's a pretty sick design. I like this a lot."

"That's my favorite, too." Sam says, "What are you doing in here?" He looks at Colby and Colby shrugs, "I came in to ask you something but now I can't remember."

Sam laughs and sits down on the bed, watching you as you go through the clothes, "There's so many good ones." You look up, "You guys did good."

They smile, "Thank you. We're proud of it." Colby says with a nod. He looks over at Sam and they exchange a look while you continue holding each thing up.

"Why don't you.. um.." Colby clears his throat, "Why don't you try them on." He shrugs, and there's your sign.

Clear as day.

You look up, "All of it?"

He nods and Sam steps in, "Yeah. Why not. We can see what looks the best on you." You chew on your lip to try and hide your smile, "Alright."

You slip your plain blue sweatshirt off, leaving you in your sports bra and shorts, which is nothing new, they've seen you in one a thousand times.

Sam tilts his head slightly, in awe of you like usual.

Colby tries to subtly adjust his sitting position, laying a hand over his lips as he watches you put on the first shirt, "Oh this is comfy." You look up and they quickly try to act like they weren't just staring you down.

But you could feel it.

"It is. They're so soft." Sam nods, "That looks good on you."

"Really?" You smile slightly and look down at it. Colby sighs, "She might take our job at modeling our own clothes."

You laugh, rolling your eyes, "Yeah, I'm sure."

"Those sweatpants are super comfy, too." Colby adds quickly, "They are my favorite thing out of this line." You look down at them, running your fingers over the soft pants, "I'll see for myself."

You knew what you were doing, and you knew what they were doing.

And vice versa.

As you slip your shorts down and step out of them, you turn to grab the sweats off the bed, "You know, if you take a picture it'll last longer."

You look up and you can see them smirking, "busted." Colby mumbles lowly to Sam and Sam laughs, "Yeaahhh."

As you're putting on the sweats, adjusting them to how you like them, you see a flash out of the corner of your eye and the whirring sound of the Polaroid camera.

You look over at them, smirking as you roll your eyes, "Really?"

"Hey. You said take a picture, so.. you can't really blame us." Colby smiles and you bite your lip, "Uh huh." You turn, modeling the pants and shirt for them, "I mean they don't match but.."

"Mm. I think it looks great." Sam rubs his chin with his fingers, "Do a little spin for us."

You laugh slightly and smile as you slowly spin around, listening to them cheer you on.

sam golbach & colby brock imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now