07 , safe haven

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you were completely unaware of your surroundings, as it was getting dark out. you were still chasing alhaitham back to the dorms, gosh, he was fast.

a tall figure grabs your hand and tightens it around you. you yelp and scream out of fear, trying to find where their feet was so you could stomp the fuck out of them.

i can't see anything.. it's like dark as fuck now...

the person grabbed your other arm and you felt like you pulled a muscle.


the person's grip was tightening harder and harder.

"i have so much information about you, y/n. you can't hide."

you knew your wrists were going to break at any moment if you kept resisting. but like, what are you supposed to do? let someone kidnap you?

"you're coming with me."

"no! what the FUCK- don't touch me, you-"

"shut it. you're going to pay the price."

"what price?! LET FUCKING GO OF ME-"

a strong gust of wind blew past you, and you felt someone behind you, but next thing you knew, your hands and arms were free. you rubbed your wrists and you felt a menacing aura in front of you.

the figure was across the campus, writhing in pain.


the campus lights turned on, and you saw him. his fists clenched, covered in cuts and light blood.

his breathing was heavy, probably running off of adrenaline. his veins were prominent on his neck and arms, and he looked...

so fucking fine.

"she's my muse, you fucker."

the person looked scared, concerned, and surprised. "you're her... boyfriend? they didn't tell me she had a..."

you were about to protest, but alhaitham interrupted. "at this point, if i say i am, then it'll get you pricks to quit causing trouble around here. it's so fucking old already, and it's been what? a few weeks since the school year started? pathetic."

alhaitham spat on the ground and approached the person.

"what do you know? you're going to tell me everything. that's not a request. it's a fucking order. do you understand?"

the person shook their head, trembling. they grabbed their phone and went onto social media.


"here, this is the account. i assume you've seen it already? it has information regarding y/n... and doxxing information." they show alhaitham the account profile.


you gulped.

"is that so? hmm, well then, tell me who you know is involved."

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