Comforting Marley

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Taylor's Pov:

Throughout the whole Show that Night I kept wishing I had stayed behind and stayed with Marley just giving her comfort. I knew she was trying to be brave for me and for our Parents but I could see right through her that she's not alright. I couldn't help but think to myself I had almost lost her earlier. She had to be Traumatized by what happened to her and it must be difficult to get any kind of rest.

I decided to not tell everyone what nearly happened with Marley especially the Audience I didn't want them to panic about anything the Show went on as Scheduled and I was only down to three Backup Singers temporary. I explained to the Fans that Marley was feeling under the weather tonight and would have to sit out the show tonight and get some rest the Fans were very understanding. I didn't want to tell them the truth about what happened because Marley had been through enough that Evening.

After the Show, I immediately used a Towel to dry off any Sweat I was going to take a Shower as soon as I can but I wanted to check on my Sister first. I found her in the Lounge Room Area where she had been watching TV with our Mom. Marley was asleep in  the couch and Mom had stood up looking exhausted "It's been a rough Night with her Tay, she has been Traumatized so much we had to get the Medic in and he had to sedate her we tried to distract her by letting her watch your live Show on TV through Live Streaming it seemed to calm her down then before we knew it she's asleep".

Dad then comes in with Marleys Brand New Phone. It was still in its Box and he placed it inside of  her Tote Bag after he settled up the Phone and Charged it up. "They had a Phone Store not far from the Stadium so I just took the Card you gave me to buy her another one". He told Taylor gave her back her Credit card. Taylor nodded she is so grateful that her Parents stayed with Marley she had been worried about her Sister the whole time. Taylor told her Parents that she wouldn't be doing any Meet and Greets tonight she just wanted to be with her Sister to give her comfort. Her Parents understood that Family always came first to Taylor.

I  went over to Marley she was out like a light and sleeping peacefully with a Blanket over her. I had plenty of time to Shower, throw on some Clothes but she couldn't bring herself to leave Marley long enough to go do it. Finally she had to so that they could go to their Hotel. I took a quick Shower and didn't stay in there long she removed all of her Makeup and soon she was out of the Shower. Marley had stayed sleeping right on the Couch where I had seen her sleeping.

Dad came in figuring he could help carry Marley over to the Golf Cart I suggested that she ride with me in the front, and he nodded then scooping Marley up in his arms then they went to the Golf Cart. I then went to go grab both of our Stuff we both had Totebags making sure I had everything, I cut the lights off in the Lounge Area and walked to the Golf Carts with my Security. I hopped in still finding Marley asleep in the front of the Golf Cart she shifted in her sleep growing tense because she sensed someone in the Cart. Setting our stuff down I soothed Marley by wrapping her in a hug telling her it's just me and that we are going to the Hotel.

Marley then seemed to relax and then continued sleeping resting her head on my chest as I hugged her close to me reassuring her that she is safe. Mom and Dad got in behind us in the other other Cart while my Security rode with me and Marley. The Golf Carts took us out to where our Black Tinted SUVs are. I helped to get Marley into the first one she wasn't that hard to carry since I was taller than her. I texted my Parents telling them to go ahead and head to their Hotel Rooms that we got this from here. They nodded from the back of us and Dad gave a thumbs up.

It was about close to 1 am when we arrived to our Hotel the Security was worried about me carrying Marley due to how exhausted I am from performing for Three Hours straight. I reassured them that I am fine that Marley isn't all that heavy. I just ordered them to carry our Totebags and help bring them to our Room. I carried Marley back to our Hotel Room and once inside laid her on the Bed. I woke her up telling her we needed to change into our PJs.

Marley woke up nodding and slowly got up off the Bed to go retrieve her PJs she changed in the Bathroom and brushed her teeth. Then she joined me by coming back to bed. I could tell she was still tired from being Sedated so I helped her get comfy in Bed "Mom told me you had a rough time falling asleep back at the Stadium I knew you weren't fine when I went to go perform and worried about you all Night". I said looking at her concerned.

"Yeah. I had trouble sleeping back at the Stadium Every time I closed my eyes I was back in that Bathroom and stuck with no way out". Marley shivered thinking about the Dream and snuggles with her Sister "I've had Dreams about this before way before it actually almost happened I do have  Premonitions when I'm sleeping at at times when I'm awake".

I hugged her closer trying to give her the best comfort. "But that's all it was a Dream. Your still alive and you survived it because I was there to save you before you drowned. Nothing real bad is going to happen to you long as I am around and living and Breathing. " I reassured her and promised that she is safe long as she's with me. I meant it to long as I'm around I was going to make sure no harm came to Marley We just got her back into our lives after her being missing and Kidnapped for so long, that I would literally fight whoever would try to take her away from us.

Chasing Fame (Part Two of Marley and Taylor Sequel)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ