The Meeting

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It had been a few weeks since Himanshi joined Evergreen High. She made two new friends, Siya and Annie. The rest of the students barely talked to her but Himanshi didn't mind.

"Remember, on my first day, two boys Karthik and Aryan were staring at me. Can you tell me about them? Actually, I want to know about all our classmates." Himanshi said to her friends

"Well, Aryan is the richest and most popular boy in our school. Everyone wants to be around him. He is also the most handsome in our class. And Karthik is like Aryan's sidekick. He is always behind Aryan in every field; wealth, popularity, handsomeness etc." Annie told Himanshi

"The rest of our classmates aren't as interesting as them." Siya said, smiling.

Suddenly, Himanshi felt a tap on the shoulder. She turned around to see a group of her classmates. One of them spoke, "Um, you're Himanshi, right?"

"Yes, why do ask?" Himanshi said confused

"I'm sorry, I didn't talk to you earlier, I just wanted to see what kind of girl you are." The girl replied and left, leaving Himanshi a bit confused.

Siya, Annie and Himanshi continued their conversation, which had deviated from the subject of Aryan and Karthik and instead became about them going out together today.

"Come on Himanshi, I'm sure you can spare some time to hang out with us. Please don't say no." Annie said

"Well, I want to hangout with you both too but Appa doesn't let me go out with strangers." Himanshi replied

"We aren't strangers. Your Appa is so controlling, how do you live with him?" Siya said

"You're strangers to Appa, plus he isn't that bad he is just a bit too concerned about me. Why don't you two meet my family today?" Himanshi stated

Siya and Annie agreed to meet Himanshi's parents. Suddenly, their facial expression change to shock. They pointed behind Himanshi.

Himanshi turned around and saw that Aryan was standing behind her, Karthik was standing at a distance. Aryan signalled something to Siya and Annie which caused them to leave.

"You're such a cutie pie, you know?" Aryan said casually while moving beside Himanshi but Himanshi didn't feel at ease.

"Uh What do you want? Why are you here?" Himanshi said, trying not to show her nervousness

"Well, I'll introduce myself. My name's Aryan, bet you heard my name." Aryan said slyly. Karthik then began to stare at them.

"I know who you are, but what do you want?" Himanshi said

"What do I want? Well, I think that you're so cute and adorable and I want you to be my girlfriend." Aryan said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"No thanks, Appa doesn't want me to date anyone yet." Himanshi politely said and tried to remove Aryan's hand from her shoulder but Aryan gripped her tighter.

"I didn't ask, kitten. You're going to be my girlfriend." Aryan whispered in her ear.

"Sorry but no. Also never call me that again please." Himanshi calmly said as she walked away from Aryan. He stared at her with shock and anger in his eyes.

As she walked away, Karthik ran towards her and said "Hey! You wanna get ice cream later?!"

"No thanks, I have plans." Himanshi politely replied and went to her friends.

"What happened?" Siya asked
"Aryan asked me to be his girlfriend." Himanshi said, slightly annoyed

"What did you say?! Did you say yes?!" Annie added

"Obviously no. By the way, see you all at 8:00 p.m. today." Himanshi causally stated

"Why did you say no?" Annie said to Himanshi, disappointed that she rejected him

"Come on Annie, we know why." Siya told Annie while rolling her eyes.

At 8:00 p.m., Siya and Annie appeared at Himanshi's doorstep. She introduced them to her parents. They all began to eat dinner.

"So, you two are Himanshi's friends?" Himanshi's father said suspiciously

"Yes sir we are." Annie said enthusiastically but nervously.

"You're from India, right? Why do you have blonde hair then?" Himanshi's mother asked Siya as she looked at her peculiarly.

"It's Appa is from Europe, so I inherited his hair colour." Siya said, a bit nervously.

"Do you two promise to keep my little angel daughter safe?" Himanshi's father said in a harsh tone

"Yes sir, we promise!" Annie and Siya said together.

The rest of the dinner was peaceful and quiet. Finally after having dinner, Siya and Annie left for their homes. They got to know Himanshi's parents better.

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