Bump Diaries ( Part 1 )

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Can't resist! I love these type of fluffy one shots!

So, here you go!


SYNOPSIS: Marinette and Adrien are happily married for 3 months, but what happens when an unexpected little surprise makes itself known?

Just a cute fluffy one shot covering Marinette's Pregnancy journey over the months.


~First Month~

"Tikki would you mind checking my period calendar for when I last had it, it feels like a life time ago."

"Sure Marinette!" said Tikki as she zoomed toward the calendar hanging on the wall. Marinette worked on a new design in her design corner at her and Adrien's office in their cozy and luxurious apartment. She worked passionate about everything she made, today she was working on a new shirt for Adrien to his birthday next week.

"Tikki? How long is it since?" she asked her kwami

 "Um...about 6 weeks ago." Tikki said.

Marinette was starting to panic slightly, her period had never been late before, what was wrong with her? Suddenly, she felt like she was going to be sick again, and ran for the bathroom; it was the third time that week now. Marinette thought several options in her head. She didn't think it was the flu; the nausea came in waves, and it wasn't some kind of food poisoning either.

Then what was it?

Was she......? No no, it was way to early. She didn't even discuss with Adrien about children. Why should she anyways they just tied the knot 3 months ago?

"Marinette...Marinette listen to me..."Tikki sighed sensing that her owner was overthinking everything again.

As Kwami of Creation, of course she felt something, and there is nothing more beautiful than creation of life but it was upto her owners to figure it out themselves.

"I don't know what to do Tikki? What if Adrien left me? What if he didn't want kids? What if-" 

"Calm down Marinette, Adrien loves you a lot, he won't leave you. But I think you should take a test to confirm." Just because she can't open her mouth it doesn't mean that she can't provide a push.

"I-I think I will Tikki, let's go buy one."


Some time later...


She was pregnant.

The test came out positive.

Infact all the 3 tests she took came out positive.

She was pregnant....God she was pregnant with Adrien's child.

The Adrien Agreste's child.

Oh no.

How was she going to tell Adrien? Would he be angry with her? What if he didn't want a baby? Obviously, they hadn't been planning to have a child so soon, but now that she was pregnant. 

As she over thought everything again, one thing became clear to her...

She was going to keep the baby, no matter what Adrien's reaction would be.

"Marinette sto-" Tikki began but was interrupted by Adrien and Plagg's arrival.

"M'Lady! I'm home!" Adrien's voice came from the living room as Plagg zoomed out of Adrien's pocket to get a snack and join Tikki. 

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