"Okay, honey okay. I think you're right." I sighed. I looked over again and Amelia was shaking in her sleep. "Hey Lena I gotta go, it's Ami she's having a night terror. I will talk to you in the morning I love you." With that, I hung up quickly and made my way into her hospital room.

"Come on Amelia just one sip, for your mom please!" My mom pushed the tequila bottle towards my face as she was taking a drag from her cigarette. It was another one of their parties, and people were everywhere I'd turn. If they weren't taking shots, they were doing lines off the bathroom sink or kitchen table. I look over towards my dad and he was in a heated conversation with someone that ended in a swift punch in the face. Once that man hit the ground from my dads punch, I jumped and looked away.

"Oh come on, Ami. It's just a part of life. Sometimes you gotta beat people up to get your point across." Patrick said as he wrapped his arm around me. I flinched and threw it off myself fast. I regretted it instantly.

"No one touches me like that, you bitch." He spat in my face and grabbed my wrists. He was pulling me into the bedroom and I looked over my shoulder, hoping my parents would stop him.

"Mom, dad please! Don't let him take me again." I cried. My mom looked the other way and my dad went back to his conversation.

Patrick threw me onto the bed and my head hit the headboard with a big thump, and that was the last thing I remember. The next time my eyes opened, he was on top of me.

"Please, please stop!" I heard myself say. I was completely unaware of what was coming out of my mouth. I realized I was still half asleep, but reliving this utterly awful memory jolted me out of the sleep I was in.

"I'm here, love. I'm right here." Stef was at the side of my bed. Her hand was cupped around my face and her thumb rubbing the tears rolling down.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I felt embarrassed. Stef and Lena always hear my night terrors. I wish I had more control over them.

"Baby no, no no. I was just watching you sleep." Stef assured. She looked like she had so much pain in her eyes. It was all because of my and everything I've put this family through. I shouldn't be burdening them with my baggage.

"I think I'm okay now." I said quietly. I don't have much of a poker face, so Stef knew instantly that I was lying.

"Amelia, do not shut me out please. I want to be there for you." Stef said in a concerned, yet stern motherly tone. I hated when she would get like this, I always fold and open up. But I was determined not to put them through any more pain.

"Stef I'm fine. I promise."

Her face stopped when I said her name. But I have to ease my way out of calling them Mom and Mama. It doesn't feel right when I know that all their heartache and stress is because of me. I roll over to my other side to face away from her, signaling that I want to go back to sleep.

"Okay. Well you let me know if you need anything." She cleared her throat and went to lay down on the cot her and Lena have been using to stay here. I could tell she was hurt. And I hated hurting her, but I know it will get easier once I'm healed and out of their life.


I woke up with the hospital lights turning on slowly and my nurse coming over to check my vitals. It was close to discharge time and I could not wait to get out of this hospital room. Half of me couldn't wait to get home, to the house that I wanted forever. With the women I wanted as Moms, and kids I wanted as siblings. The other half of me wished my social worker was coming to get me to take me to another home. I refuse to inflict more pain into this family.

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