Isle Roon

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Chapter 26 cat vs t-Rex skeleton robot the greatest summon
Meanwhile, some people create a skeleton t-rex robot and we see the antagonist creating the robot. When he dies, he will be reborn with his soul when he becomes the t-rex robot, accompanied by his friend with the metal mask, warning him that the machine they made can contain code. and invocation and the antagonist called Mr. Soul gets excited about his project and meanwhile Lukye, the guardian angel, watches over them and records what Mr. Soul is doing with his project and Lukye flies away and goes to the group and warns Fettson that he is making a robot and shows him the video and Fettson says"ok I'll go alone" and Byrion says"I'm also going together with Midpa and Tonmikiu" and Fettson says"NO YOU DON'T BRING THE AGE TO FIGHT THE ROBOT" And Byrion listening Fettson gets angry if he transforms into his running alien form and grabs Fettson by the neck and sticks him on the wall and says "STOP TREATING US LIKE CHILDREN AND I'M ALREADY 17 AND YOU'RE AN OLD MAN IN PAIN" and he He knocks him down with his anger and detransforms Byrion into his human form and runs to where the t-rex is and Fettson gets up in pain and Lukye says "Byrion is right, he says that he treats you like a child and that in reality you are not the leader or boss." and Byrion arrives at the base where the t-rex robot is hiding and together with Midpa and Byrion begins to destroy everything and Midpa fights with the robots by opening portals and cutting half of them Byrion reaches the robot and meanwhile Mr. Soul represents the t-rex robot and says "you already saw my masterpiece Byrion that will kill you in seconds" and Byrion transforms into his alien form and jumps but Mr. Soul attacks him and knocks him down with his machine but a car arrives that launches Midpa from the portal and the car He runs over Mr. Soul's friend and he is run over and dies and Mr. Soul says "but how did they come?" and Byrion throws Mr. Soul onto the machine and it breaks down and explodes and the car falls off. reason Byrion I treat you like a child and I am a false leader" and Byrion says "see I told you that I am the true leader" and the t-rex skeleton robot is released and comes out saying: "what did they do comingo" and it happens He tells Mr. Soul and says "because I am my masterpiece" and he gets angry and destroys the entire building and the group leaves and the skeleton t-rex robot begins to fight with Byrion and the group attacks the t-Rex and Clown and Fettson is hidden together, planned as defeated and Mayign gives the code to the Clown that he is going to summon to kill T-rex and Mayign says "go to the machine that created Mr. Soul and put the code to summon that thing and destroy" and Clown says "Okay, I'm going to put the machine in the code, but where can I get them?" and Mayign says "with magic" and Payasita goes to the machine and arrives and puts in the code to invoke and it works and the sky opens a portal and a big cat comes out. boy and scream and fight against t-rex and t-rex says "he says ha I am stronger and you are a cat" and he fights and the cat destroys them and takes him to the portal and t-rex says "NO because he makes friends "and the portal closes and the group seeing how they could, the cat came out and Mayign explains to the group that he is a god like me and we just go home and the group arrives all relaxed eating pizza and meanwhile the t-rex skeleton begins to come out Mrsoul's soul and is it in the underground level?? Seeing how I fail and saying "ONE DAY I'M GOING TO KILL THEM ALL" THE END.

Chapter 30 "savages approval"
It is winter and the group is in the house Byrion is together with Fettson because he will go a part together with Jesse and Fettson gives him a 3 pistol and a shotgun and Fettson says "he will have to carry 3 pistol and a shotgun so that he has agility" and Fettson gives him a hand cannon and a tactical shotgun and Byrion sees it and says "this would be easy for me to use to go faster" and Jesse tells Fettson "hey man, I'm going to call some friends so they can help us come along and his name is Tyler Casey and he has a big car and an incredible robot" and Fettson says "Ok I'll let you and Byrion go with them" and a beep sounds outside and it's Tyler and he says "HELLO friends how are you, I'm Tyler" and Fettson says "Ok, go with Tyler and explain the mission, understood" and Jesse says "yes, understood because I'm crazy yellow Jesse" and Byrion and Jesse get into Tyler's car and he leaves and meanwhile inside Jesse's car He explains what the mission is to Tyler "Ok, what we're going to do, we're going to kill someone bad who stole a project to summon more powerful Cyrbog-type demons" and Tyler says "aha, let's fight that guy" and Byrion says "let's go." to kill the devil or what" and jesse "says ok Tyler, Byrion speaks like that because he's a cloned alien who barely knows, don't worry" and Tyler says "ok we've reached the base" and the three of them go down and Byrion puts on a gray sweater and Jesse puts on long socks and a black helmet and Tyler puts on a green vest and gets into the base and they realize it's like a maze and he sees the guards and shoots and massacres them and the three of them separate and Tyler is locked in a room and says "oh please" and Byrion arrives in a room and locks him in and turns on the lights and ties up Byrion and one agent checks him and does tests and gives him an injection and Byrion can't stand that and says "let go." Help, I'm going to kill them" and the agents get nervous and Jesse hears Byrion's anger and runs and destroys the light and electricity and Tyler opens a door and sees a project and decides to plant a bomb c4
And the power goes out and the agents realize it and take out a weapon and the light returns and they realize that Byrion is already there and Byrion transforms into his dark alien form and begins to dismember the agents and one shoots him in the arm and Byrion fell and gets angry and grabs the agent and rips off his arm and the scientists and guards try to run away from him but Byrion kills them and Jesse hears the massacre and goes towards Byrion and sees Byrion eating the dead body and Jesse gets scared and Byrion They turn around and they go up to the roof and Jesse gets scared and Byrion touches him and Jesse gets scared. Byrion laughs and transforms into his human form and Jesse says "hey, that's not funny and you saw that many people kill you and you laugh" and Byrion says "for them They started first and I just killed them" and Jesse says "he's crazy, he's crazy" and Byrion says "let's go" and Jesse and Byrion leave the base and get in the car and Tyler is there and says he already broke the project and he leaves and Byrion says "and what will happen to the base" and Tyler says "just listen" and they sound explosive and Jesse falls down and the three of them laugh and meanwhile we see an elegant penguin on level 2 and he says "ah yeah because they let the base explode" the guards say "sorry sir pucifer" and pucifer gets angry and says "it's all your fault belphegor" and that's the end.

Isle Roon part 3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ