The bone-deep pain, a remnant of his unconventional chakra system, served as a formidable adversary in Toji's quest for mastery. Despite the discomfort, he pressed forward, undeterred by the physical limitations that threatened to impede his progress. If anything, the pain served as a catalyst for resilience, forging within him a steely resolve that fueled his determination to succeed.

Toji's mind wandered back to his training regimen, a meticulously crafted routine designed to harness his latent potential and overcome the obstacles that stood in his path. Taijutsu sessions, punctuated by the rhythmic impact of fist against tree, served as a testament to his unwavering dedication and unyielding resolve. Each blow, a testament to his commitment to excellence, propelled him ever closer to his goal of mastery.

Yet, amidst the physical exertion and mental fortitude, Toji grappled with the complexities of chakra manipulation—a skill that eluded him despite his best efforts. His unconventional physiology, devoid of traditional chakra pathways and tenketsu points, posed a unique challenge that defied conventional wisdom. And yet, Toji remained undeterred, his determination unshakeable in the face of adversity.

The tests, conducted under Ryoma's watchful eye, served as a crucible in which Toji's abilities were put to the test. Each examination, a gauntlet of trials and tribulations, offered insights into his strengths and weaknesses, guiding him along the path to self-discovery and enlightenment. And though progress was incremental, Toji remained steadfast in his pursuit of excellence, fueled by a burning desire to unlock his true potential.

At least he was finally able to activate the sealing and unsealing jutsu all shinobi made use of to store weaponry, since all it took was a burst of chakra against the sealing array.

"Now, let me get these off of you. Then we can draw some blood to check the increase in concentration levels."

Ryoma came over and carefully removed each of the pads that were stuck to his chest and arms. They were hooked up to the machine that monitored everything his chakra did in real time. It gave the doctor, and by proxy Toji, a better understanding of what his chakra was actually doing when he tried to use it.

Toji grabbed his shirt and put it back on once the doctor had removed everything. The doctor then grabbed a fresh needle set and moved a chair over to him once Toji was done dressing.

"Which arm would you prefer this time, Toji-san?"

Toji just handed over his left arm. It didn't really matter, he never experienced any soreness from it anyway. It did remind him of a question he had been meaning to ask.

"Oi, Doctor-san." Toji watched as the needle slid into the vein on the inside of his elbow and slowly drew back blood. "Can people get paid for donating blood to the hospital?"

"Well...yes, they can. There's usually an age limit, however."

Toji frowned. The money the Hokage provided for both he and Naruto to live off of was enough to pay for food and clothing, but the ninja tools they both wanted were expensive and they were gonna need more money if they wanted to buy them. Especially now that the shop owners knew everything Toji bought was being shared with Naruto.

"You said my blood has a lot of chakra, right? It could help with chakra depletion. You said I was at risk of it because of my chakra heart, but I have a lot of chakra. It wouldn't hurt me to donate a pint or two of blood, right?"

Ryoma hummed as he labeled the vial of blood he drew from Toji. It would go into a machine to read the chakra levels and then he'd get a copy of the readings when he left. As well as with a recommendation of the things he should still stay away from trying.

"Normally the hospital won't accept donations from someone under ten years old, but you do have a unique situation. Your bone and muscle density are already way above most ten year olds. You will not experience chakra depletion at the same rate as normal ninja. Sensory tests also show a great increase in response time–"

The doctor had devolved into a rant again. It didn't happen often, but sometimes the doctor got lost in his own head when he went over everything that was different about Toji. He rolled his eyes in annoyance and interrupted him.

"Well? Can I?" Asked the young boy.

"Hmmm...well, yes, alright. Chakra replenishment is the department we're lacking the most in. It would help a lot to have blood on hand to use for chakra transfusions. Most of our nurses and doctors do not have the largest reserves after all."

Toji held out his other arm and waited for Ryoma to get the hint.

"Alright, alright. Let me get a new set and then I'll draw the amount we take for donations. Just be sure to eat something high in sugar as soon as you leave."

Toji just tuned him out. He already knew what he wanted to buy as soon as he got paid for the transfusion. He had been wanting to practice fuinjutsu as soon as he learned about it in his academy classes, but the ink and paper needed for it didn't come cheap. Hopefully the money from the donation would be enough to buy a few packs of paper as well as a few bottles of ink.

Then he could finally start practicing the simple seals from the beginners book he borrowed from the academy library.

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