Unfortunately, Cassandra Baratheon was still a whole other problem. She was stubborn and no matter how many times I turned her advances down, she did not give up. The only reason why I did not shame her as she deserved, was the fact that I promised my mother to be on my best behavior and to show Princess Rhaenys the respect she deserved. And shaming her mother's house was not the way to fulfill that promise.

Which is why, I found myself tucked away in a forgotten waiting room, seeking refuge from Cassandra's relentless pursuit. It was a cramped space, filled with dusty furniture and cobwebs clinging to the corners. As I pressed myself against the wall, I heard the creak of the door and the hushed voices of Princess Rhaenys and Lord Borros. Panic seized me as I realized that this waiting room might not have been as desolate as I had once expected. With no time to find another hiding spot, I squeezed myself into a nearby cupboard, hoping against hope that I would go unnoticed.

From my cramped vantage point, I strained to hear their conversation, my heart pounding in my chest. I listened intently, as Lord Borros spoke up. "Princess Rhaenys, I'm afraid the Dornish Marches are stirring once more. There have been reports of increased activity along our borders, and I fear they may be preparing for an incursion into the Stormlands."

"I see..." Princess Rhaenys hummed. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Lord Borros. We cannot afford to ignore such a threat."

My heart quickened at the gravity of their discussion. The weight of their words hung heavy in the air, and my heart quickened with apprehension. The thought of conflict brewing so close to home filled me with a sense of dread.

"What do you suggest, Princess?" Lord Borros asked.

"I propose we pay a visit to Blackhaven, home of House Dondarrion. The sight of a dragon soaring over their lands might be enough to give the Dornish pause." I couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration. Princess Rhaenys was always so quick to think on her feet, to find solutions in the face of adversity.

Yet, beneath my admiration for her resourcefulness, a flicker of fear lingered. What if our visit only served to escalate tensions further?

"A dragon's presence may indeed serve as a deterrent. Very well, Princess. Let us proceed with caution." Lord Borros agreed, before leaving the waiting room.

I was so immersed in my thoughts, that I did not even notice when Princess Rhaenys spoke up again. "Aemond, I know you're here."

I froze in the cupboard, heart racing. "Uh... Princess Rhaenys?"

"Yes, it's me. You can come out now, Aemond." Princess Rhaenys chuckled gently.

I emerged from the cupboard, feeling a mix of relief and embarrassment. "Sorry, Princess Rhaenys. I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I was just trying to avoid Cassandra."

Princess Rhaenys placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I understand, Aemond. Cassandra can be... persistent."

"That's putting it mildly," I nodded in agreement. "But what were you and Lord Borros talking about?"

"Troubling news, I'm afraid. Lord Borros informed me about the Dornish Marches lurking close to the Stormlands." Princess Rhaenys sighed softly.

My eyes widening in concern, I had hoped I had heard wrong. "The Dornish Marches? What should we do?"

Princess Rhaenys gentle rubbed my arm in a calming manner. "We need to be cautious. But for now, Lucerys asked me to take you flying on Meleys while she distracts Cassandra."

My eyes lit up with excitement. "Flying on Meleys? That sounds amazing!" With Princess Rhaenys's guidance, I followed her out of the waiting room, my earlier worries momentarily forgotten in the anticipation of an exhilarating flight on Meleys. I turned to her curiously, before asking. "How did you know I was hiding from Cassandra in that waiting room?"

"Well, Lord Borros might have only daughters, but I've raised two dragons. I know how Targaryens behave. I was already walking towards the waiting room, when Lord Borros caught up to me and requested a conversation." Princess Rhaenys smiled knowingly. "But don't worry, I've already spoken to Lord Borros. He'll have a word with Cassandra about her behavior as the daughter of a future Lord Paramount."

As Princess Rhaenys lead me outside to where Meleys, Arrax, and Ghost are waiting, I can't help but feel a surge of excitement. Arrax chirpped eagerly as I approached, and I can't resist cooing back at him. This hatchling was mine! I finally had a dragon, and I could not be happier. It was all thanks to my beloved Lucerys. My niece was truly a gift from the Gods.

Once I was finally able to part ways with Arrax, I climbed up behind Princess Rhaenys onto Meleys. I felt a rush of adrenaline as the powerful creature took to the skies. The wind rushed past us, whipping through my hair, and for a moment, all my worries and troubles melted away. It's just me, Princess Rhaenys, and the boundless expanse of the sky stretching out before us.

As we soared higher and higher, I began to relax, letting go of my earlier anxieties. I trusted Princess Rhaenys implicitly, knowing that she's a seasoned dragonrider who knew what she's doing. With her at the reins, I felt safe and free, able to enjoy the exhilarating sensation of flight without fear.

Gazing down at the world below, I marvel at the breathtaking scenery unfolding beneath us. The Stormlands stretched out in all directions, a patchwork of green fields, rolling hills, and rugged coastline. It's a sight unlike anything I've ever seen before, and for a moment, I felt like I'm soaring above the troubles of the world, untethered and weightless.

As we glide through the air, I feel a sense of peace settle over me, a calmness born of the knowledge that I'm in good hands. With Princess Rhaenys by my side and the wind in my hair, I couldn't imagine a more perfect moment.

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