With a warm smile, Jinyoung steps out of the tent, leaving Aria to finish her task. But before he disappears completely, he peeks back inside with a mischievous grin. "By the way, curls suit you, Aria-ssi," he compliments before vanishing once more.

Aria smiles at this before her eyes connect with Minsu, who seems to be feeling awkward at their encounter. "He's right, Aria-ssi, you look good with curly hair."

Aria's smile falters slightly sensing the tension that lingers between them. "Thank you," she replies politely to Minsu's compliment, though her expression betrays a hint of uncertainty.

As Aria continues to curl her hair, she decides to address the underlying awkwardness head-on. "Minsu-ssi, would you mind if we talked while I finish up here?" she asks, her tone gentle yet direct.

Minsu hesitates, her discomfort palpable, but ultimately acquiesces with a hesitant nod. "Sure..."

With a deep breath, Aria plunges into the heart of the matter, her curiosity overriding any lingering reservations. "Minsu-ssi, I'm genuinely curious. What was the purpose of our conversation yesterday if you didn't intend to consider my feelings?" she asks, her voice tinged with genuine curiosity.

Minsu's smile wavers slightly, but she maintains her composure as she responds. "I hope I didn't upset you, Aria-ssi," she says softly. "That wasn't my intention. I simply assumed you and Jinyoung weren't particularly close, and I thought it might be an opportunity for me to explore a connection with him. But when you expressed your desire to go to Paradise with him, I realized that everyone has their own preferences and motivations. I'm here to find a boyfriend, Aria-ssi, not to prioritize friendships."

Aria nods slowly, absorbing Minsu's explanation. Though she still harbors some reservations about Minsu's approach, she appreciates the honesty in her response. "I understand," she murmurs, offering a small smile. "Thank you for explaining."

Before the tension between them can escalate any further, Aria swiftly finishes curling her hair and switches off the iron, determined to diffuse the awkwardness. With a practiced motion, she exits the tent, her footsteps purposeful as she heads towards the beach, the rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore beckoning her.

As she walks, lost in her thoughts, Aria's gaze collides with Yoongjae's, his presence momentarily jolting her back to reality. "Aria-ssi," he greets her, his smile genuine as he strides towards her.

"Yoongjae," Aria replies, returning his smile with warmth.

The furrow in Yoongjae's brow deepens as he notices a subtle change in their interaction. "You're not calling me 'oppa' anymore?" he queries, his curiosity evident.

Aria shakes her head, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. "No, it's not like that," she reassures him. "I still consider you Yoongjae-oppa," she adds, her laughter laced with affection.

Relief floods Yoongjae's expression, his smile widening. "Good," he remarks, his tone light. "So, what are you up to? Care to take a stroll?"

Aria's gaze momentarily flickers downwards as she contemplates her response, a sigh escaping her lips before she meets Yoongjae's gaze again, her smile gentle yet hesitant. "Actually, I promised Jinyoung-ssi that we'd take a walk," she confesses.

For a fleeting moment, a shadow passes over Yoongjae's features, his demeanor subtly shifting. Aria detects a hint of disappointment in his eyes, though it quickly vanishes as he nods in understanding. "Alright, next time then?" he suggests, his voice tinged with a faint note of resignation.

Aria nods in response, offering him a reassuring smile. "Yeah, next time," she agrees softly.

With a heavy heart, Aria strides towards the beach, her anticipation overshadowed by a sense of melancholy. As she approaches, her suspicions are confirmed: Jinyoung is indeed there, but to her dismay, he's not alone. Nadine sits beside him, their laughter intertwining in the salty sea breeze, a stark contrast to the weight of Aria's solitude.

SINGLE'S INFERNO  ᵏⁱᵐ ʲⁱⁿʸᵒᵘⁿᵍTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang