episode 5

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episode five | clear my mind

Previously on 'Single's Inferno 2':

"Popular?" Aria furrowed her brows, her expression a portrait of genuine confusion tinged with a hint of amusement. She turned her gaze upwards, meeting Dongwoo's eyes with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue.

Dongwoo nodded, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he attempted to articulate the sentiments swirling within him. "Yeah, I've seen the way others look at you," he murmured, his voice soft yet resonant against the backdrop of the crashing waves. "There's something about you, Aria-ssi, something that draws people in."


Another quiet pause envelops them, pregnant with unspoken emotions. Jinyoung, choosing to break the silence, probes gently, "Why are you sitting here alone, Aria-ssi?"

Aria responds with a short, contemplative smile. "I was just lost in thought."

"Okay," Jinyoung replies, offering a soft smile. "Don't let unnecessary thoughts weigh on your pretty mind, Aria-ssi."


Just when the tension seems almost unbearable, the screen flickers to reveal Dongwoo's face, his smile warm and sincere as he gazes at Aria with unwavering affection. "I told you already, girl with the pretty smile," he says, his voice filled with gentle reassurance, "you're the only one in my mind."

The revelation sends ripples of excitement and uncertainty through the audience, each heartbeat echoing the pulse of anticipation as the unfolding drama takes yet another unexpected turn.


Aria's laughter spills out, a delightful blend of excitement and surprise that dances in the air, echoing the unpredictability of Single's Inferno. Dongwoo, his happiness evident in the radiant smile that nearly reaches his ears, remains fixated on her as she approaches. With a swift, courteous gesture, he seizes her baggage without uttering a single question, a gesture that speaks volumes.

"Wow, Aria-ssi, you really are full of surprises," Dongwoo marvels, his tone a mix of genuine admiration and playful banter.

As the two embark on their journey toward the waiting helicopter at the top of the stairs, Aria can't suppress a chuckle at Dongwoo's comment. "So are you, Dongwoo-ssi. I really thought you and Nadine would go to Paradise together."

Dongwoo glances down at her, a bright smile gracing his features at the mention of Nadine. "Because of my request to talk to her back then? That was to make you jealous, Aria-ssi... It worked."

Aria playfully shakes her head, the melody of her laughter lingering. "Jealousy wasn't the reason I chose you, Dongwoo; curiosity did."

"Well, whatever it was, I'm just glad we chose each other," Dongwoo muses, the sincerity in his voice resonating as they ascend the stairs side by side. The rhythmic clinks of their footsteps on the metal steps create a backdrop to the unfolding moment. "My heart would probably stop beating if you left with someone else again."

Aria's eyes widen in surprise, a flicker of realization and warmth lighting up her gaze. She steals a glance at Dongwoo, a genuine smile gracing her lips. "I hope we can make some good memories, Dongwoo-ssi."

As they continue their ascent, the air is charged with a sense of anticipation, as if the very steps they take mark the beginning of an adventure neither of them could predict.

As Aria and Dongwoo approach the waiting helicopter, Aria's eyes widen with surprise and a hint of unease when she spots Yoongjae and Seo-eun seated together. "Oh," she utters softly as her gaze locks with Yoongjae's.

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