Update 2/29

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I'm currently working on the outline for my story, if you've been following me, you'd know that I've been working on writing materials such as, How to Write by Alastair Fowler. I've been slowly chipping away at the content, unable to apply towards my updates on here. I will admit it mainly has to do with these being short, free writing sessions. I've redeveloped my main protagonist to make them more two dimensional, previously they were kind of boring, possessing very few amenable character traits. He was plain too flat of a character.

Hopefully everyone will see in time the character development. I'm working hard. Hopefully you all will have an enjoyable evening, or morning depending upon time zone. Thank you to LeafeonPower (Allon) for the continued support, it encourages me to keep going. I appreciate you. I suggest to everyone who reads this, or supports me in other facets, to give him a follow. Love you all, Kage-Ao

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