"But why Aemond?" The Queen's tone was sharp, tinged with a hint of frustration. I could sense her conflicting emotions—glad that Aemond would be there to keep Lucerys company, yet unhappy about her son being taken away for an extended period.

"Well, Prince Aemond is the closest in age among her uncles here in King's Landing, so Lucerys won't feel lonely," I explained, trying to ease the Queen's concerns. "Joff is still a babe, and Jace is busy with his lessons as Rhaenyra's heir."

"Exactly," Viserys chimed in, nodding in agreement. "Jace has his responsibilities, and Lucerys isn't particularly close to Aegon, while Helaena..." He trailed off, a hint of discomfort flickering across his features.

I noticed the Queen shooting a pointed glare at the King, who remained oblivious to her silent reproach. I couldn't blame her—no father should casually refer to his daughter as "sensitive." Helaena already struggled to find her place in the world, and such remarks from her own father only added to her challenges.

"Aemond is the logical choice, especially considering how close he and Lucerys have become since Arrax hatched and Lucerys claimed Ghost," Viserys continued, a fond smile playing on his lips. "If Lucerys were any older, I'm sure she'd be taking Aemond on flights every day on Ghost!"

I could sense the Queen's internal struggle, caught between her desire to provide opportunities for her son Aemond and the reluctance to let him go. It was evident that she wanted to protest, yet she hesitated, unwilling to deprive Aemond of such a rare chance. After all, my cousin Viserys was hardly one to arrange such adventures for his own sons, and the Queen's influence only stretched so far within the confines of the Red Keep.

The prospect of traveling beyond the familiar walls of King's Landing would undoubtedly be a dream come true for Aemond, offering him the chance to forge a deeper bond with Lucerys. It was a win-win situation for her son, a chance for growth and adventure that couldn't be overlooked.

However, the realization that two of her children would be absent from her side seemed to weigh heavily on the Queen's mind. With Aemond and Lucerys off on their journey, she would be left with just one son and daughter by her side—a thought that undoubtedly stirred up a mix of emotions within her.

"Though I can empathize with the Queen's concerns," I remarked, with fake sympathy. "Having two of her sons gone from home when they are still so young, I cannot start to imagine what she is going through."

Viserys's sudden attention to his wife's plight suggested that perhaps he hadn't fully grasped the extent of her worry. It was as if he'd momentarily forgotten about Daeron, their youngest son, who had been sent away from King's Landing at a mere three name days old. A sad state of affairs for the forgotten prince.

"Perhaps it's time to bring Prince Daeron back to King's Landing," I suggested, breaking the surprised silence that followed. The King and Queen turned to me, their expressions a mix of astonishment and curiosity.

"It wouldn't do well for the Queen to have both her sons absent for too long," I continued, noting the subtle shift in the Queen's demeanor. "And keeping a prince fostering in one place for an extended period might raise eyebrows and invite accusations of favoritism from other noble houses."

As I spoke, I could sense Queen Alicent's suspicion growing, tempered only slightly by a hint of gratitude. She seemed torn, caught between appreciation for my apparent concern and a lingering uncertainty about my motives.

"In addition," I pressed on, "Prince Daeron needs to begin bonding with his dragon, Tessarion, and delve into his House's Valyrian heritage. It wouldn't be prudent for him to continue his education in Old Town, away from the resources and guidance available here."

Viserys's decisive proclamation broke the tension that hung in the air. "Then it's settled," he declared firmly. "Daeron will return to King's Landing, and Aemond will accompany Rhaenys and Lucerys on their journey to Storm's End."

"An excellent decision, Your Majesty," I remarked, offering a deferential bow while concealing a smug satisfaction behind my cup.

Queen Alicent's conflicted expression spoke volumes—gratitude mingled with perplexity, as she struggled to grasp my motivations. It was a delicate balance, one that left her uncertain about where my loyalties truly lay. Just as I had planned.

As I made my way down the hallway outside the King's chambers, lost in my own thoughts, I felt a sudden presence behind me. Turning around, I found myself face to face with Queen Alicent, her expression guarded and probing.

"What was all that about?" she asked, her tone laced with suspicion. I could tell she was trying to unravel the mystery of my conversation with the King and Rhaenys.

Taking a moment to compose myself, I met her gaze with a calm demeanor. "Just ensuring that everyone gets what they want," I replied, keeping my tone neutral.

I leaned against the ornate marble wall, my gaze meeting Alicent's with a steady confidence that belied the uncertainty swirling within. The dimly lit corridor cast shadows across our faces, adding a layer of solemnity to our conversation.

"Your Grace, I understand you have some questions about my recent decisions," I continued, my voice soft but resolute.

Alicent's expression was a mix of curiosity and suspicion as she regarded me. "Yes, I must admit, I'm curious about your sudden interest in fostering a bond between Aemond and Lucerys."

"It's quite simple, really. I believe it's important for our family to come together, especially in times of uncertainty." I told her half-truths, I might plan to turn her to the Black's side but trusting her too much from the start will do me no good.

Alicent's brow furrowed in contemplation. "But why now? What prompted this sudden change of heart?"

I took a moment to gather my thoughts before responding. "Well, for one, I've arranged for Prince Daeron to return home. And as for Aemond accompanying Lucerys to Storm's End, it presents a unique opportunity for them to grow closer."

The flickering torchlight danced across our faces, casting fleeting shadows that mirrored the uncertainty of our conversation. Alicent's eyes narrowed slightly as she considered my words. "I see... It's an interesting proposition."

I sensed a shift in Alicent's demeanor, a subtle thawing of the skepticism that had clouded our interaction. "Indeed," I replied, my tone measured yet hopeful. "I believe it could benefit us all in the long run."

Alicent nodded thoughtfully, her expression thoughtful. "I suppose it's worth considering. Thank you for explaining, Princess Rhaenys."

With a gentle smile, I inclined my head in acknowledgment. "Of course, Your Grace. Family is important to me, and I only want what's best for all of us."

As we parted ways, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment, knowing that my actions had set the stage for a brighter future for my family.

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