I want to eat mooncakes, sahyung...

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Cheongmyeong wakes up early everyday. He’d feel rejuvenated, relaxed and energized. Well, that’s the case since he has the purest qi in all of Gangho.

But does he ever get sick?

Just like any normal human being, the answer is yes.

But is Cheongmyeong a normal human being?

This is where his pure qi backfires into giving him something he’s never experienced before.

The longest cold of his life.

So, here we are, one blissful morning, the sun has already risen, the disciples were busy training their hearts out, and it had already become their daily routine to take the initiative in doing the extreme practice. Also because their bodies were tamed to that point or they’ll be facing something worse than death.

Baek Cheon was the first to notice, breakfast was already over but Cheongmyeong wasn’t there with them. It wasn’t odd because there were quite a few times when he would come later for breakfast than usual. Heck, Cheongmyeong had been missing breakfast the past few weeks. He’d end up eating later and not together with them, so it didn’t occur to him that something was wrong.

In the training grounds, the other disciples continued on, Yoon Jong and Jogeol trained them in Cheongmyeong’s stead from time to time. But in a couple of minutes, Cheongmyeong would, to their misfortune, arrive with a monstrous grin on his face. That had always been their daily routine.

The kids who knew this was the norm had toughened up, holding their swords a little tighter, and their shoulders would stiffen. They would always hope to have at least a day to escape that mad dog. Baek Cheon heard footsteps behind him and just as he expected— Cheongmyeong came to the training grounds. But something felt weird… he looked the same yet not at the same time.

Right about now, Cheongmyeong would’ve complained about their stupid mistakes and grumbled so loud your ears would bleed. But I guess today’s just gonna be a load of staring and silence? It was iffy.

It was just then, Cheongmyeong greeted Baek Cheon and the other kids a good morning. He never does that unless something good happened to him, but instead of seeing a lousy scumbag expression plastered on his face, he looked so serene.

Cheongmyeong went past him and Baek Cheon just blinked. Baek Sang and Iseol surrounded him while their gazes are at Cheongmyeong’s back walking toward the other kids in training.

“He looks… tame?” Baek Sang questioned.

Iseol tilted her head to the side, also wondering the reason for his eerie calmness.

Baek Cheon could then see Cheongmyeong teach the other kids…

But he wasn’t grumbling… he wasn’t shouting… he really looked like a patient and wise teacher teaching his students. When somebody made a mistake, he didn’t yell at them to do push-ups and swing their sword 1000 times as punishment. Instead, he only told them what their mistake was and was so out of character.

'What the hell!?'

Yoon Jong quickly went to Baek Cheon and asked in a loud whisper full of worry, “Sasuk, did you see that!? Why isn’t he acting crazy like usual, he’s never been that way before.”

Baek Cheon agreed internally, “I don’t know if this is a good thing or not… let’s observe for now.”

Jo Geol stared at Cheongmyeong and asked him something in regards to techniques and the like, instead of beating the shit out of him to learn… he was taught.. properly.. the words coming out of Cheongmyeong’s mouth were that of when he’d sometimes speak like how a master should be, the difference is this was happening the whole morning

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